Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I'm procrastinating.... sort of.
I need to write out an index card for tomorrow's Music exam. :[
Then I need to start writing out my First Aid paper. :[

So, I'm here... listening to Beethoven's 5th Symphony, checking my Facebook, and procrastinating.
Jesse's at work. :[

Tomorrow I have to get Brian's schoolwork for him and bring it to my dad's; the idiot got OSS for cursing out a teacher.

I'm procrastinating.
I love Jesse.
Live at E's just came on.

I need to get my work done.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sooo tired.

The last few days haven't been too eventful. I got a letter in the mail saying that starting on December 1st, I get to serve jury duty. I don't know if that means that my first trial is December first, or if they'll start to summon me on December first. The government has a way of complicating the simple things in life. I should have registered to vote as a Socialist... from what I hear, nobody calls socialists into jury duty.

I just found out that California offers an Earth Science class for their high schoolers, which means that Jesse and I can potentially move out to California and live there forever and ever. I'm excited. I need to find out the teaching requirements for the state, and I need to find out if it'll be looked poorly upon if I get my Masters Degree before even moving out there. But, if I get my Masters Degree, I'll at least be able to teach in colleges part time. :] California, we're on our way! <3

I have class at 12. I don't want to go, but I didn't save up any absences, so I have to. :[
I have to study for Astronomy, and for Music. Two tests, in a row. AND I have work tonight, at 10.

Jesse and I were supposed to go to an Islanders game tomorrow, with Megan and one of her friends, but I couldn't afford it, so we can't go. I don't get paid until this Friday. :[ Oh well, that just means I can stay in my pajamas all day tomorrow, granted my mom doesn't have off from work. But she'll probably have off from work because that's how my days off happen. :[ So instead of pajama day, it'll be slave labor day with mom, Brian, and I.

I wonder what I have to go through to get teaching in California... I really hope it works out for me. I guess whenever I plan a trip to Califorina, I'm going to go to school districts and ask them what I have to do, that way I can do it before I'm completely finished with school.

That's pretty much it, I'm going to meet up with Jesse after class <3.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

you'll go down in history.

Last night, history was made. America elected the first black [well... half-black] President to come to office in January 2009. I'm proud to say that I took part in that history, by voting for Senator Obama to become president. I didn't do it because he's 1/2 black, I did it because he's looking out for more than just the wallets of the upper class. He knows that making nuclear power accessible is just a terrible idea. He gave us hope. Hope for more than just tax breaks, hope for health care. Hope for an affordable higher education. Hope that a teacher will finally earn the salary that he or she deserves. Hope that a woman will have the right to her own body. Hope that the offshore drilling will cease, and renewable resources will take action. Even if his promises of hope are not kept, the fact that he had the ideas in the first place is why I voted for Barack Obama. I would rather have faith in the promises that enforce what I believe in, than vote for a cookie-cutter campaign. I would much rather there be the possibility in the change that this world needs, than for it to never come up, and for McCain to make promises that only really adhere to the wealthy. I am so excited to see that Obama won the election. That in 2009, America will have it's first black President. That America can turn around and become the great country we pride on it being. Last night, when Obama won the election, I was crying as I saw all of the people in Kenya jumping for joy. I realized that people can stop dying now. Not in the inevitable old age way, but in war or genocide. I realize that Obama won't stand for the genocide in Darfur, and he will pull us out of combat in Iraq. My lifetime will no longer be a tragedy of the masses. Our troops can come home alive, and if they are put into Darfur, at least we know that they're actually fighting for a good cause, on something real. Something more than just the idea of 'terror'. I couldn't believe that the unneccesary killing might just stop. Again, my hope for things to come. I really do hope that Senator Obama keeps his promises. But even if he doesn't, it really does beat having Mrs. Palin in office. At which point this election was between a douche and a turd sandwich. I have hope for Obama. I am proud to say that I support Obama. And, I am ecstatic to say that I voted for Barack Obama.

[Plus I'm excited to run around like a ninny in my stepmom's house of Republicans chanting Obama's name and rubbing it in their faces that McCain lost. I do that part for fun. I'm 19, I don't have to be a mature responsible adult yet... SO I WON'T BE! AHAHAHAHHAHAHA!]




Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I voted.
I voted Obama.
I hope he wins.
McCain is scary.
Very scary.
His VP Candidate is more scary.
I hope Obama wins.

Starbucks is giving out free coffee to voters.
Ben & Jerry's is giving out free ice cream to voters.
I guess if people don't vote for the sake of the country, they'll vote for the sake of free coffee and ice cream.
It's a good deal.

Monday, November 3, 2008


I'm STILL sick.
Election Day is tomorrow.
TODAY is my psych test.
I should be getting ready for school.
I don't want to go to school.
I want to stay in bed all day. [including work]
But I have a psych test today.
I'm going to fail.
I don't want to be sick anymore. :'[