Monday, August 16, 2010

A lot.

Right now I'm on my 2 week vacation from work. Last week Jesse and I spent in North Carolina with Moon and Meema and Peepa. Moreso with Moon. We had a lot of fun and went to the beach a bunch of times. We bought a shiny new "piece" and I bought myself a new ukulele, a concert ukulele. It's currently making friends with my pineapple (soprano) ukulele. I'm super stoked about this because I'm really learning how to play now. I'm picking it up slowly but surely, and I really enjoy it.
Jesse and I also went to Boston not this past week, but the one before it, to visit his brother. It was really fun checking out the city and staying with Jesse. :)
Today I bought myself a handy-dandy Bluetooth thing, so I don't have to throw the phone to the passenger seat at the first sight of a cop. :) Safe and efficient!
Tomorrow, we're going to see Sublime with Rome and Dirty Heads again, this time up in Poughkeepsie NY. Todd Foreman, the sax player, texted Jesse last night stating he could get us tickets to get in for free, so of course we're going to jump on his offer. Also, this will be the last time we see them play before they head to Germany to tour.

I also wanted to take this time to not really update, but put down what's left of my 101. There are some things that I don't want to complete anymore, so those will be listed in red.

1. Lose 20 lbs [5/20]
2. Keep 20lbs off
4. Do 100 sit-ups a day for a month straight >[This seems incredibly unhealthy, and time consuming. It's not realistic and I'd rather work out on the Wii Fit.]<
6. Walk/jog/run an hour a day for a month >[See above]<
8. Don't eat junk/fast food for a month
9. Run a mile on the beach (with use of a pedometer)
10. Go back to vegetarianism >[It's much too expensive right now, and I feel that I'll be getting better nutrients from lean meat]<
11. Go to the dentist
18. Keep car spotless for an entire month
19. Sell back school books >[For a $45 sell-back rate, I'd rather keep them being I spent $100 minimum on each]<
25. Learn three skateboarding tricks [0/3]
26. Learn Hawaiian
27. Learn to hula dance
28. Learn to SCUBA dive
30. Re-learn how to ride a bicycle
34. Skate down a half-pipe
40. Climb a rock wall
41. Don't get angry for a month
42. Don't burp out loud for a month straight
42. Take a photo a day for a month
45 Maintain a garden for a summer
47. Build a ship in a bottle >[This is stupid. I don't want to.]<
50. Write 5 haikus [1/5] >[See above]<
51. Paint two pictures [0/2]
52. Donate 250,000 grains @ [28,050/250,000]
56. Attend three beach clean ups [2/3]
57. Plant two trees [0/2]
59. Build a birdhouse
60. Donate blood
61. Volunteer in two soup kitchens [0/2]
66. Do two charity walks [0/2]
69. Get passport
71. Visit Hawaii
74. Go to Medieval Times in New Jersey
75. Go jet skiing
76. Go to the beach everyday for a month
77. Swim with the dolphins
79. Go kayaking
80. Go skydiving >[I still want to do this, but will not in my 101 time frame. Jesse doesn't quite feel comfortable with this being I'd be jumping out of a perfectly good airplane and must sign a waiver. I totally understand this and don't want him to feel uncomfortable... it can wait. It's not that important.]<
82. Move into an apartment with Jesse
85. Have a dinner party
86. Send out Christmas cards
87. Buy random flowers for mom three times [0/3] >[For the past forever she's been giving me grief, she doesn't deserve it; and flowers are pricey]<
88. Get a professional photo of my brother and 3 step-brothers for dad and Nancy
89. Host 3 movie nights [0/3]
90. Send out 10 birthday cards [3/10]
91. Have an off-season beach party
92. Hang out with my brother 25 times [16/25]
93. Go on a picnic
96. Identify 25 things I like about myself [0/25]
99. Send a secret to PostSecret >[Secrets are secrets for a reason and I don't want mine published. Thank you.]<

So aside from all that, everything else is going well. Brian's in college and attending classes; I'll be on a job hunt soon-- as my mom found the time between walking up the stairs and getting to her bedroom to hound me about it. And Jesse and I are pumped for Sublime tomorrow! :D <3