Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yesterday was my first day of school. It's a 9-5 ordeal. But! Luckily, today I found out that I don't have my Tuesday/Thursday class until March 3rd. (It's a Fitness Walking gym class) So that made life easier. Today I have a shitload of errands to run. At 12:00 I'm taking Jesse to school, and then at 3:00 I'm picking him up. Other than that I have to run errands for my momma. I don't know what kind of errands they are as I haven't gone downstairs to look. :/

As for my 101: It's sort of put on hold until I get into the swing of school again.
On the brightside: I'm more than halfway done with my first book on the list: Lamb. Which is awesome, so I can go ahead and read more books for my 101.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Small 101 Update

I've now donated 25,640 grains of rice out of 250,000 at www.freerice.com . :]

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Nothing special...

This weekend I'm at dad's place. I failed to bring my laptop, which has proven itself to be a stupid move... I could've kept editing pictures, and continued to place my order for 30 free prints at Snapfish; before they expire. Duh. Had I had my laptop, I would've been able to not one, but two things on my 101 list. Oh well. I'm already working on the tattoo idea. I just need to draw it up and stare at it for the better part of a year. I think I want to do a subliminal ode to 311. What I'm thinking of is 3 Hawaiian plumeria flowers in a bundle, with 1 hibiscus flower at the top-right, and 1 palm of a palm tree sweeping back to front on the bottom of the 4 flowers. Get it? Get it?! 3 plumerias, 1 hibiscus, 1 palm. 311! It's so subtle that if 311 does something entirely craptastically stupid that I grow to hate them with an undying passion [which will PROBABLY never happen], that I don't have a blatant 311 tattoo on my back. IT'S GENIUS I TELL YOU! :] I'm so excited.

For most of the others on my 101 list, I've come to learn that money is really sort of necessary... meaning: I need a fucking job.... still. But thanks to the economy and job market, it's really fucking hard to find one. I'm hoping that Hollywood Tans still has a position open... punching buttons on a computer can't be that difficult. Other than that, finding help wanted ads right now is just about as difficult as finding a giraffe in Lindenhurst. [For the record: Lindenhurst doesn't have a zoo... or any giraffes.]

The Presidential inaguration is coming up soon... I think it's on Tuesday? The 20th? I don't know, I'm no good at remembering dates. Though, I did remember that TODAY IS MOON'S BIRTHDAYAYAY! She's 20 now... it's weird. Now I have a few months to catch up, and be 20. There's nothing that special about turning 20 except... being 20... and not 19... and not being able to say "teen" at the end of your age... but I probably will.... I'll probably say "twenty-teen" because it'll make me feel better. :P It's weird thinking that Moon and I have been friends for just about 10 years now.

Today I'm hanging out with Jesse :D. I don't know what we're doing yet... I think tonight we're hanging with Erik. I have no clue, though.

While I'm on the computer, I should probably make a calendar so that I can do all of my 1 and 2 month commitments at the same time for my 101.

Friday, January 16, 2009

101 Update...

A couple of things I've accomplished during my vacation to Florida/Bahamas last week...

#46. Edit 70 of my photographs [14/70]
#48. Watch 5 sunrises [2/5] <-- It's unnatural to be up before the sun... but I'll get to 5... #49. Watch 5 sunsets [5/5] <-- can now be crossed off! :D #50. Write 5 haikus [1/5] <-- for a simple formula, these suckers are hard.
#67. Compliment a stranger 10 times [5/10]
<-- halfway there!
#70. Leave the country!
<--went to Coco Cay, Bahamas, and Nassau, Bahamas. Can be crossed off now! I'm so excited to update my list, now! I took so many pictures, it should make the 70 to be edited much easier! But printing them all will be a biiiiitch.


I just got back from Florida about 45 minutes ago. Getting baggage back was a nightmare. Went to Boynton Beach FL, Miami FL, Coco Cay Bahamas, Nassau Bahamas, Miami FL, Boynton FL, Ft. Lauderdale FL, Miami Beach/Palm Beach/ wherever the hell that Grand Theft Auto game took place, then back home.

Left the country... I need to make a few changes to my 101 list... but I'll do that tomorrow... I want to look at the pictures I took. Then, it's bedtime. :]

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another 101 Update

#49. Watch 5 Sunsets [1/5]

I caught one on the way out of the mall; Jesse and I watched it.
On Wednesday, Jesse and I are going to Florida, and then on Friday we'll be cruising in the Bahamas.

23. Create 7 different playlists for 7 different moods [2/7]

I made an up-beat, fast paced playlist to motivate my lazy ass, or for when I'm in a 'motivated' mood... excersizing, etc.

I also made a chillax playlist for... well.. when I'm relaxed.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


#16. Organize iTunes
I organized the song titles, artists, and albums... all that's left are the photos.
#52. Donate 250,000 grains @ www.freerice.com [22,640/250,000]


101 in 1,001

On facebook, my friend's brother, Dave posted a note that was a list of 101 things to accomplish in 1,001 days. He challenged his friends to create a list of their own. I'm going to try my best to track my progress on this blog, because re-posting facebook notes is annoying. And to up the ante, I'm going to donate $5 to non profit organizations per every unaccomplished item on this list.

My start date is today, Jan 3, 2009; and my end date is Oct 1, 2011

Health & Fitness

1. Lose 20lbs. [5/20]
2. Keep 20lbs. off
3. Don’t drink soda for two months straight
4. Do 100 sit-ups a day for a month straight
5. Take up yoga
6. Walk/jog/run an hour a day for a month
7. Swim a mile
8. Don’t eat junk/fast food for a month
9. Run a mile on the beach (with use of a pedometer)
10. Go back to vegetarianism
11. Go to the dentist
12. Take a multivitamin everyday for a month
13. Drink five glasses of water a day for a month

14. Don’t crack my knuckles for a month
15. Don’t eat pre-made, microwaveable meals for a month


16. Organize iTunes (pictures)
17. Back up documents
18. Keep car spotless for an entire month
19. Sell back school books
20. Organize external and internal hard drives
21. Get rid of 50 things I don’t need [50/50]
22. Make a recipe book
23. Create 7 different playlists for 7 different moods [7/7]


24. Learn how to surf
25. Learn three skateboarding tricks [0/3]
26. Learn Hawaiian
27. Learn to hula dance
28. Learn to SCUBA dive
29. Learn to play ukulele
30. Re-learn how to ride a bicycle
31. Learn to play basic guitar
32. Learn how to walk in high heels
33. Learn how to crochet

Personal achievements

34. Skate down a half-pipe
35. Don’t watch TV for a solid month
36. Don’t curse for a month
37. Read 10 books [10/10]
38. Read a news article a day for a month
39. Don’t bite my nails for two months
40. Climb a rock wall
41. Don’t get angry for a month
42. Don’t burp out loud for a month straight
43. Take a photo a day for a month
44. Cook seven different meals from scratch [7/7]
45. Maintain a garden for a summer
46. Edit 70 of my photographs [70/70]
47. Build a ship in a bottle
48. Watch 5 sunrises [5/5]
49. Watch 5 sunsets [5/5]
50. Write 5 haikus [1/5]
51. Paint two pictures [0/2]

Nature/ People of the World

52. Donate 250,000 grains @ www.freerice.com [28,050/250,000]
53. Donate $25 to three nonprofit organizations [5/3]
54. Don’t drink out of disposable plastic bottles for two months
55. Don’t use disposable plastic bags for a month

56. Attend three beach clean ups [2/3]
57. Plant two trees [0/2]
58. Donate old clothes
59. Build a birdhouse
60. Donate blood
61. Volunteer in two soup kitchens [0/2]
62. Use re-chargeable batteries
63. Reduce shower time to ≤10 minutes

64. Celebrate Earth Day annually [2/2]
65. Avoid making purchases at Target/Walmart for two months straight
66. Do two charity walks (Breast Cancer, March of Dimes, etc.) [0/2]
67. Compliment a stranger 10 times [10/10]


68. Visit the West Coast
69. Get passport
70. Leave the country
71. Visit Hawaii
72. Attend 311 day in New Orleans ~~ 311 Day 2010 has been moved to Las Vegas, and I attended.
73. Visit my grandparents in North Carolina
74. Go to Medieval Times in New Jersey


75. Go jet skiing
76. Go to the beach everyday for a month
77. Swim with the dolphins
78. Go camping
79. Go kayaking
80. Go skydiving
81. Go fishing two times [2/2]


82. Move into an apartment with Jesse
83. Buy a Wii with Jesse
84. Give 5 random gifts to Jesse [5/5]
85. Have a dinner party
86. Send out Christmas cards
87. Buy random flowers for mom three times [0/3]
88. Get a professional photo of my brother and 3 step-brothers for my dad and step-mom
89. Host 3 movie nights [0/3]
90. Send out 10 birthday cards [3/10]
91. Have an off-season beach party
92. Hang out with my brother 25 times [16/25]
93. Go on a picnic

Appearance/ Random Crap

94. Get a second tattoo
95. Whiten teeth (via Crest Whitestrips)
96. Identify 25 things I like about myself [0/25]
97. Get all photographs printed
98. Fly a kite
99. Send a secret to PostSecret
100. Frame 3 blown-up photographs of my own [3/3]
101. Make pizza from scratch

[Edit: I'm updating this list as I post updates. Sometimes I forget to post updates, but this list will continue to be edited!]