Sunday, July 11, 2010


This weekend has seriously been the best of my life.

Friday, we went to see Pepper/Offspring/311 (the show went on in that order.) and we got there early. Like... really early. The doors opened at 6pm and we were there at 1pm. But it payed off. Jesse got to network with someone from Mulcaheys-- a local venue, and we got a bunch of free Donovan Frankenreiter tickets for this Tuesday. Then we were hanging out and a couple of hours passed bye and we chilled in the car.
Megan thought she saw a mirage, and asked if the hot guy on the horizon was real. It was Kaleo, skateboarding through the parking lot. So we then got  out of the car, and Kaleo told us that he's hook us up with 3 all access stickers.
When the time came to get the stickers, they had run out because I'm pretty sure the intern gave them to his friends who only went backstage for a minute. Anywho, the Coach escorted us to the backstage area where Kaleo and Bret followed. They had a whole BBQ set up with food and cornhole and some weird kind of ringtoss. So we hung, BBQ'd, bullshitted with the band. Megan was in shock and awe of being near Kaleo, but her bubbliness made him adore her -- in a non sexual way, more like how one would adore a puppy.
We had some chicken legs, which were so spicy I thought I was eating fire, and made some industry connections. Then I heard over Coach's walkie that he should fire up the grill because 311 is coming back.


In a matter of minutes, Chad Sexton walks past me. I ALMOST CRAPPED MYSELF.
Then Tim came in with Nick and SA. It was WONDERFUL. We got the opportunity to not only meet 311, but to converse with them and take pictures.
And by converse with them I meant, Jesse did the talking and I just said "Thank you" a billion times because I forgot how to say anything else.
It was seriously the greatest night of my life.

Then, yesterday, I was at Sound Room Studios alll day, during the Hazmat Bay recording session. They got 4 songs finished in an 11 hour time frame. There was a slight intermission where Matt performed some IMPRESSIVE urban wakeboarding (skim board, 8 inch deep and 40 yard long puddle, tow rope, water shoes, a hard hat, and a Jeep) in the studio parking lot. I got to chill with Kim and Nova for the first half of the day, and the second half I hung out with Kathi. Then after they were finished for the day, Jesse, Tom, Jeff, Kathi, and I went to Applebees for some food and called it a night. It was so much fun!

This morning, Jesse, Allan, Teri and I went on a fishing boat. Teri and I didn't fish, but Jesse and Allan did. Jesse caught 4 fluke and about 2 dozen crabs, and Allen caught a bunch of fish and won the pool for the largest fluke in length. +$40 prize moneys.

Now I'm here, getting ready to shower, because I haven't since Friday morning and we're gonna eat some foods, and then Brian's coming home after the World Cup final. Roger went to go get him.

Tomorrow's work, then on Tuesday I'm going to go to Walmart to develop my 311 photos in duplicate and pick up some fuchsia hair dye...

Then Wednesday's the Jack Johnson concert.

Very busy month... will probably update sometime in September.. :)