Sunday, February 22, 2009


funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

This weekend, mom and I are babysitting Reid. We're encroaching on the final hours of this endeavor, and I'm exhausted. It's hard running after a 1&1/2 year old all weekend. Last night I think I slept the longest in ages! I fell asleep at 9:30 and woke up this morning at 9. :]

I've been working on the little things of my 101, simply because I've been so busy and run-down that the big stuff is too hard to conquer right now. I've complemented another 2 strangers recently, and this morning I was working on adding pictures to my iTunes. I'll update my 101 when I get around to it.

I can't handle how tired I've been lately. I mean, shiiit. I bought Wall-E last weekend, and still haven't found the time to watch the whole thing. :[ Arright, I gotta help mom with the baby. :/

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Keep the Faith.

I was reading Jim Moriarty's (CEO of Surfrider Foundation) blog a few days ago, and as if his "Antithesis of Sustainability..." blog on the air conditioned beaches wasn't enough to make me want to vomit, he had written another "Antithesis..." blog about bottled water.... for dogs. The human race is getting excessively ridiculous. It's hard for me to have any faith in our species. It's terrible, instead of worrying about the environment and blatant threat of global warming (see Australian Brush Fires. ), we (mostly the Americans, because we're pigheaded slobs) worry about American Idol, the 2 year anniversary of Anna Nicole's death, Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps sucking on a bong, etc.

I don't know how long I can take the fact that there are serious crises in the world like the genocide in Darfur, and brush fires in Australia, where fellow humans are dying, and we (most Americans.) sit on our comfortable chairs worrying about the bikini chick from American Idol getting the boot. It's disgusting. Especially Long Islanders. We're slobs, which is a good reason for our cancer bubble lurking overhead. Which sucks, because countless families need to suffer from this God-forsaken disease because others can't handle throwing things out in the trash cans, or preventing oil spills, or maybe, just maybe, not putting power plants in close proximity.

Unfortunately, we do these things to ourselves. The human race deserves this. We should've taken aspects of Native Americans, and treated the Earth as a "who" instead of an "it". Generally, people have more respect for "who's" than "it's".

I'm losing faith in humankind. (Especially American) It should be mandatory to recycle, and littering should be punishable. There should be regulations on the greenhouse gas emissions coming out of powerplants. We should also allow the science to make cars run on renewable resources available. I'm sure the emission from renewable resources isn't as terrible as the gasoline emission.

Ugh. Bottled water, for dogs. We're screwed.

Friday, February 6, 2009

101 Update and other useless crap.

#84. Give 5 random gifts to Jesse [1/5]

I bought him a Snapfish photo book from our "travels" to Florida and the Bahamas. :]

Other useless crap:

I downloaded Google Earth 5.0. It's really cool. I like it a lot. Now I can explore the ocean and what-not. Also, there's a feature on it that lets you see what's going on in Darfur and other places that would prove to be more important than Michael Phelps sucking on a bong. (Oh my God! A swimmer smoking pot?! NEVER.)

I'm about a week ahead on homework, which is awesome, because if I stay ahead on homework, I'll be able to enjoy the weather in May instead of sitting inside doing my homework. :]

I'm hoping to get a job working with Moon at the preschool she works at, I'm going to apply on Tuesday, and hope for the best. Hopefully they give super part time hours. I need a flexible schedule.

Today I'm going to get my shit organized. I figure- the more organized I am, the better I will do at school, and remembering what to do on what day, and maybe it'll help me forget less.

...I still need to pay my school bill. :B

... And I need to take photos. Pronto. I subscribed to DeviantART for 3 months, and I promptly became inactive.

...And I need to get my stuff together that way I can work on the Hazmat Bay stuff that I need to work on (merchandise designs, potential album art, etc.)

So much to do. Not really. But I'm just sitting here talking about it.. I should just... do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I just started to look at Google Earth 5.0. It's amazing. I'm downloading it right now, but I don't think I'll have time to play with it until after school at 5. I'm so excited.

I have to leave for school in 15 minutes.

I made a donation to the Young Survivors Coalition via Oakley Sunglasses. I don't know if that counts as a donation on my 101, but I'll just say no, and donate again.

Google Earth's done.