Friday, February 6, 2009

101 Update and other useless crap.

#84. Give 5 random gifts to Jesse [1/5]

I bought him a Snapfish photo book from our "travels" to Florida and the Bahamas. :]

Other useless crap:

I downloaded Google Earth 5.0. It's really cool. I like it a lot. Now I can explore the ocean and what-not. Also, there's a feature on it that lets you see what's going on in Darfur and other places that would prove to be more important than Michael Phelps sucking on a bong. (Oh my God! A swimmer smoking pot?! NEVER.)

I'm about a week ahead on homework, which is awesome, because if I stay ahead on homework, I'll be able to enjoy the weather in May instead of sitting inside doing my homework. :]

I'm hoping to get a job working with Moon at the preschool she works at, I'm going to apply on Tuesday, and hope for the best. Hopefully they give super part time hours. I need a flexible schedule.

Today I'm going to get my shit organized. I figure- the more organized I am, the better I will do at school, and remembering what to do on what day, and maybe it'll help me forget less.

...I still need to pay my school bill. :B

... And I need to take photos. Pronto. I subscribed to DeviantART for 3 months, and I promptly became inactive.

...And I need to get my stuff together that way I can work on the Hazmat Bay stuff that I need to work on (merchandise designs, potential album art, etc.)

So much to do. Not really. But I'm just sitting here talking about it.. I should just... do.