Sunday, April 25, 2010


Rapunzel, Rapunzel, cut off your hair!

So, I did. I cut off 11 inches and donated it to Locks of Love. :)
I'm still adjusting to the change, I really miss my longlong hair, but it'll be back. It's a good way to switch things up, and I know my mop is going to a kid who needs it much much more than I do. I still need to mail out the ponytail of disembodied hair, I'm going to do that tomorrow.

Lately things have been ridiculously busy. I've been busting my ass in school, and in work, and I have a lot of at-home stress, too. Unfortunately, my dad was diagnosed with cancer last month. He'll be okay, it's just that this period time is going to suck especially. I'm very proud of him for doing so well and keeping his head up even though this is an incredibly difficult time for him, and for all of us. I love him so much. We're so lucky to have such a great support system. Our families have been there for everything they can be, and dad's wonderful girlfriend Nancy has been a superhero through all of this, as well as my boyfriend Jesse. I'm so grateful that everybody really stepped up to help out my dad, and me for when I need it. I love my family (Jesse and Nancy included, because they ARE family) more than anything.

Also, through this, there have been pre-cancerous cells spotted in my mom, so she's going for surgery on Tuesday. They're going to have a lump-ectomy, and take the mass in for hard questioning.

Other than that, all is well. Stressful, but not horrible.

I'm glad I could help by donating my hair to little kids that need this and are going through this particularly rough time like my dad is.