Sunday, May 9, 2010

A little bit of time...

Finally, I have a little bit of time to post something.

Mom's officially cancer-free, or pre-cancer-free, or whatever the hell was going on with her. And dad's still fighting the good fight. I think he's winning with the help of the wonderful doctors he goes to. Last week was a minor hiccup... He fell because of the Ambien he was on, and busted up his face... he was in the hospital for the better part of the week. But, he's okay now.

Last weekend, Jesse and I went to the city to see Sublime with Rome, with Dirty Heads, and Del Mar. It was a blast. We were invited backstage (dressing rooms and all) by Del Mar and Bud of Sublime. It was a great, great weekend. It was awesome to chill with Mike and Matt of Del Mar all weekend, and their friend/manager Amber. I enjoyed getting to see them again. And, on top of seeing our friends from Reno, we made friends with Dirty Heads and Rome of Sublime. They are all the NICEST guys... I expected them to be jerks, really, but they were so nice. And with Dirty Heads, I told them that I first heard their music in Surf's Up, their response to that was much more awesome than I expected. Jared said that it took him a while to see the movie, but he thought it was funny. And, Duddy still hasn't seen it. I was halfway expecting them to be like, "THAT'S how you heard of us? A kids movie?!" But, they were cool about it and it was an awesome conversation point. :D

This week is my last week of Stony Brook, I'm transferring after this semester. I'm going to pursue a degree in speech pathology, and Stony Brook doesn't offer it. Which, kind of sucks, but I think that Stony Brook is one of the more difficult schools on Long Island, so transferring out will make me look like a genius. It'll be good.

After finals, I'll be free and clear for the summer. I'm excited. Hazmat Bay also has a show this Thursday at Ollie's Point... if the promoter decides to get in touch with him.