Sunday, September 27, 2009


So, my Aunt's in town... which means that Godspeak will be magnified significantly in my house... because first my aunt will be here for a week, then my grandmother for an additional week and a half. At one point, they'll overlap. Don't get me wrong, I love them... but I HATEHATEHATE Godspeak. It's irritating. I'm a student in scientific studies, so I'm not quick to assume or blindly put my faith to an old dude in white clothes (and I know this for a fact because that's what God looks like in Scribblenauts, and Scribblenauts=law). Also, because 9 times out of 10, they don't want to hear that I'm not interested or I disagree on these beliefs. They'll continue to shove it down my throat.

So the upcoming weeks will be fun! ESPECIALLY because I have a bajillion exams and papers due and not too much time to do them. It'll be great!

Next weekend's Michael's baptism and I can't wait to see the little munchkinhead! <3

Jesse's birthday was yesterday, so I bought him a Wii. But I gave it to him a few weeks ago, so that he'd have time to situate it before his birthday. :)

Other than that, nothing's really new.
Oh! Went to Jesse's aunt's bridal shower this morning/afternoon, and the party favor was REALLYFREAKINGCOOL: it was a glass-blown pen.

Entirely impractical for use in college life, but ITS SO FREAKING COOL LOOKING! Worth the impraticality~! (<-not a word, and I don't care!)

Only a little while longer before I leave PC for Mac. AND I CANT WAIT! <3

Surfing without homicide is always a good thing.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Jennifer's Body

Today, Jesse and I saw "Jennifer's Body" with Megan Fox.

And I really wish the writers had given the movie a different name. It is hella awkward telling people that I'm going to see "Jennifer's Body" or asking for tickets to see "Jennifer's Body".

Anywho, all in all it was a good movie. It wasn't scary at ALL, which is always a plus because I'm a puss. And it was kind of funny... but mostly interesting. It was about a high school cheerleader (Jennifer, duh.) who becomes a succubus and I fear if I say more I'll screw up the whole thing.

But it was cool. Looking back on it I like it more and more, but while I was watching it, I felt disappointed. I'd buy it on DVD, though. It was terribly entertaining.
...then I'll be telling people that I bought "Jennifer's Body" see how awkward that is for a girl to say?!

I'd give it a solid 7/10. It could've been better, more in depth... but I liked it!
If you go to see it expect weird, not scary. Because it is weird, not scary.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



#39. Don't bite my nails for two months.
I swear, it was difficult... but I did it. Not only for two months, but for two months straight. Then, after the 2 month mark, I quickly bit all of them off... and after 2 months of not doing it: it felt good... it felt real good. But now my fingers look like nubs again... oh well... it was worth it.

Started Stony Brook last week. Already had to drop 2 classes, one seemed like too much work, and the other was just an inconvieniance. :) Other than that, it's all good.
Went upstate last weekend for Labor Day. We went to Roscoe and hung out, and went over to Bethel to see the Woodstock Museum thing. It was alright, at most. Interesting to hear the history. The best part was having someone behind us in the movie viewing that was there and kind enough to share his first hand experiences with us. THAT was cool.

Brian and I are having issues. He stole shit, I'm angry, he needs to fix it, mom thinks he's awesome. He wants to eat dinner with us on my birthday, and quite frankly: I don't want to see him... So I'm going to write him a letter explicitly telling him how I feel and that it's bullshit that he always gets away with the shit that he pulls... PLUS, on top of stealing my skateboard and Jesse's: he took my Volcom hat from the Pepper show. HES DOING IT TO FUCK WITH ME. The little bastard.

Currently, Obama's inside my living room television talking to my mom about healthcare. I dropped in for a listen briefly, and thoroughly enjoyed what I heard. But, my mom was scoffing and calling him a liar, and being an asshole, so I had to come upstairs and not hear what the President in my livingroom had to say. :( I can only assume good things, because what I heard was all sorts of wonderful. I feel like I'm in the closet because I'm a fan of Obama and my mom and her boyfriend hatehatehate him. (They thought Palin was a genius... she didn't even have the commitment to keep her job as Governor.... puss.)

So, that's it for me for now. My birthday's on Friday. HOPEFULLY I'll get the DSLR I wanted, but I know I've got a snowman's chance in Hell.

...let's see what happens..

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I'm at school right now. I'm writing this from my iPod. I'm on break before my last class. So far classes here have been fun. This weekend I'm going with Jesse to Roscoe. Next week and the week after, I don't have to go to work! Yaay! Hopefully sometime next week I will be able to get my Macbook if my loan dispurses and gets to me quickly... That would make me really happy. I think
I'm done.. I don't have anyhting interesting to say. Peace