Wednesday, September 9, 2009



#39. Don't bite my nails for two months.
I swear, it was difficult... but I did it. Not only for two months, but for two months straight. Then, after the 2 month mark, I quickly bit all of them off... and after 2 months of not doing it: it felt good... it felt real good. But now my fingers look like nubs again... oh well... it was worth it.

Started Stony Brook last week. Already had to drop 2 classes, one seemed like too much work, and the other was just an inconvieniance. :) Other than that, it's all good.
Went upstate last weekend for Labor Day. We went to Roscoe and hung out, and went over to Bethel to see the Woodstock Museum thing. It was alright, at most. Interesting to hear the history. The best part was having someone behind us in the movie viewing that was there and kind enough to share his first hand experiences with us. THAT was cool.

Brian and I are having issues. He stole shit, I'm angry, he needs to fix it, mom thinks he's awesome. He wants to eat dinner with us on my birthday, and quite frankly: I don't want to see him... So I'm going to write him a letter explicitly telling him how I feel and that it's bullshit that he always gets away with the shit that he pulls... PLUS, on top of stealing my skateboard and Jesse's: he took my Volcom hat from the Pepper show. HES DOING IT TO FUCK WITH ME. The little bastard.

Currently, Obama's inside my living room television talking to my mom about healthcare. I dropped in for a listen briefly, and thoroughly enjoyed what I heard. But, my mom was scoffing and calling him a liar, and being an asshole, so I had to come upstairs and not hear what the President in my livingroom had to say. :( I can only assume good things, because what I heard was all sorts of wonderful. I feel like I'm in the closet because I'm a fan of Obama and my mom and her boyfriend hatehatehate him. (They thought Palin was a genius... she didn't even have the commitment to keep her job as Governor.... puss.)

So, that's it for me for now. My birthday's on Friday. HOPEFULLY I'll get the DSLR I wanted, but I know I've got a snowman's chance in Hell.

...let's see what happens..