Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another bit of stupid sillyness.

[x] you wear flip flops all year 
[] you call flip flops thongs not flip flops 
[x] you love a backyard bbq 
[] you know a barbie is not a doll 
[x] you love the beach 
[x] you are tan / kind of tan 
[] you’re a bit of a bogan(what does that mean?) 
[x] you have an australian something 

Total= 5 

[] the Sopranos is a good show. 
[] your last name ends in a vowel. 
[x] your grandmother makes her own sauce. 
[x] you know how a real meatball tastes. 
[] you know a lot of italian songs. 
[x] you have dark hair and/or dark eye color 
[] you speak some italian. 
[x] you are under 5'10" 
[] pasta is the best food in the world. 
[x] you talk with your hands/ sometimes 


[] you say member instead of Remember 
[] you speak spanish/ or a little 
[] You love tacos. 
[] yoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr/ sometimes 
[] you know what a Bodega is. 
[] you cantalk fast 
[x] you have dyed your hair 

Total= 1

[] you say villian as: Vee-lon 
[x] you can get short tempered 
[] you know of sombody named natasha 
[] white skinned 
[] you dont get cold easily 
[] snow is fun for you 
[] you get into contests often 
[] You can easily make do with the cold weather 
[] It’s about the vodka. 
[x] you curse in everyday language 

Total= 2

[] you think beer is the best 
[x] you have a bad temper/ sometimes 
[] Your last name starts with a Mc OR Murph or O’ or Fitz or ends with a ley/ly,on,un,EN,an,RY,ny. 
[] you have blue or green eyes. 
[x] you like the color green. 
[x] you have been to a st-pattys day party. 
[x] you have a family member from Ireland-- i guess it counts if theyre dead... right? 
[x] you can be very loud 
[x] you are a happy person 

Total = 6 

[] you have slanty eyes 
[x] you like rice a lot 
[] you are extremely smart 
[] you can play the piano 
[] you have family from an asian country 
[x] you laugh sometimes covering your mouth 
[] most people think you’re chinese 
[] you call hurricanes typhoons 
[] you go to Baulko 
[] you know how to speak any asian language 

Total= 2 

[x] you like bread 
[] you think American Chocolate would be better with less Sugar 
[] you drink your coke without ice. 
[x] you Speak a little German 
[x] you know what Schnitzel is 
[] you are Catholic Christian or Lutheran 
[] you hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi 
[x] you went to Kindergarten/Pre-school 
[x] you’re at least or over 5'4 
[] when you get angry some sort of accent comes out. 
[] techno is your favorite or trance. 

Total = 5 

[x] you start laughing out of no where 
[] you laugh with a high pitch 
[] you like techno 
[] you have to ask someone how to spell Polish 
[x] you have a round shaped head 
[x] you have dark brown, or blonde hair 
[] you dont get tan in the summer 
[] you know that your not called Polish your called a Pole 
[x] you are at least 5' 5" or taller 
[] you are athletic 

Total = 5 

[x] you like/play hockey 
[] you love beer 
[x] You’ve said eh 
[] you know what poutine is 
[] you speak some french 
[] you love Tim Hortons donuts 
[] at one point you lived in a farm house 
[] you have watched degrassi 
[] You've made your own maple syrup 

Total= 2

Even though none of this made sense, it was accurate... I am Irish...