Sunday, June 13, 2010

Life Experiences

Piggy-backing off of my friend Moon's blog entry on life experiences in Dec. 2008; I took the same Life Experience Test as she did. I love Facebook tests like that, because they make me laugh. I love that people create these tests to tell one how much he or she has lived in their lives thus far, or what celebrity they are most like, because obviously the creators know all about the personal lives of the celebrities.

Clearly, I have only achieved 36% life experience. Nevermind the time I went with Jesse and road-tripped from Reno, NV to Los Angeles, CA; meeting Bud Gaugh from Sublime for the first time. Never mind the amount of established musicians we have gotten the privilege of knowing, hanging out with, and becoming friends with; such as Pepper, Sublime with Rome, and the Dirty Heads. As well as meeting the Original Wailers and the late Les Paul. Nevermind that. 

We can't base our lives off of Facebook, and the tests that have shown up on it. We can't base our heritage on the stereotypes we fulfill and check off in teeny boxes. We can't base what we chose to do on the celebrity we're most like or want to be. I have an old friend, who I believe has gone off the deep-end, with an obsession with Audrey Hepburn. Everything she does, involves Audrey Hepburn in some way. So when she took a quiz on Facebook to see which celebrity she's like, she altered her answers to be most like Audrey Hepburn; kind of an excuse for the obsession. I used to do the same thing... when I was like 10. I used to love the anime show Inu-Yasha, and I would alter my answers to prove that I was most like the girl character on that show--- the chick with the bow&arrow... I can't remember her name. I would pretend that I was into archery and adventures and had a wolf-person friend so that my result would be that character.

Anyways. The moral of the story: Fuck Facebook. Be yourself. Don't alter your test answers to be like anyone else. You are you for a reason. Focus on being the most wonderful you you can be.