Wednesday, September 24, 2008

lol @ politics.

Today, I think was the second day of my life where I was attentively watching a news channel for longer than 3 seconds. I witnessed first hand a groundbreaking publicity stunt on the part of Sen. McCain. Or at least, everyone THINKS its a publicity stunt, including myself.

First this happened:

Then, this happened! [Like an hour later]:

And then, suprisingly, THIS happened!:

Then, lastly, this happened and made it all better:

I haven't watched this much news coverage since my 12th birthday. [9/11/01] So I wonder what will happen. Rumor has it, that this is going to seriously harm McCain's campaign. Especially the fact that he's keeping Palin away from the media or anything with a "record" button, for that matter. I guess she's dumb enough to foil his plans? I don't know. I heard also, today that McCain's pulling this crap because he doesn't have any more money for his campaign.

I also learned, that I cannot have an intellectual political conversation with my mother without any backup. Because as she's 48, and I'm 19, I obviously know NOTHING about politics WHATSOEVER. And thereby don't know who's better for this country that I fear so much is going to destroy the world if something doesn't change.

Last night on The Daily Show, magic was made: