Friday, September 19, 2008


I woke up early this morning to get in the shower for school. But I'm not going to class today. It's a double period of Astronomy, and I feel like crap. I figure I can do the lab and everything at home, in the comfort of my own bed.

I checked my paycheck, and it's crap this week... I was going to go to Waldenbooks and partake in the Buy 4, get 1 free sale... but I don't have the money to actually buy 4 comic books... uh, "GRAPHIC NOVELS"..yeah.

Last night, dad took me and Brian to dins. Before we left my mom decided it would be fun to talk politics with two members of the opposing view to hers. Dad and I schooled her to the point where she got frustrated and was like "UGHHH, ALRIGHT COURT!!! >:O" It was nice. [OBAMA!OBAMA!]

Jesse's teaching me how to play the drums, and so far I only have one beat somewhat down-pat. I like it, it's really fun, and helps my brain to multitask.

Del Mar's looking to play skateshops across the U.S.... I wonder if they'll want to play my imaginary skatepark that will be up in action in approximately 15 years? Maybe they'll wait for me.. Haha.

I'm going to take a stab at taking an oath to Surfrider Foundation to Rise Above Plastics. I was going to send them a check, but this week's paycheck is telling me that I need to keep my money... I'm poor. Anyway, I'm going to cut my plastic use by a lot. I already recycle plastic bags, and I haven't been really using plastic bottles. I have my Camelbak BPA FREE re-useable bottle for that. Plus, I recycle like a madwoman. Hell, I've even recycled my old Build-A-Bear boxes in making them my rabbit's hideaway room... She loves it! And I like to make a use out of an intended one-time-use item. :]

I think tonight I'm going to my dad's house? I don't know. My mom's having a BBQ tomorrow and she told me that we're not staying by dad's, we're staying here.... I'm confused.

Dad gave me part of my birthday gift last night... it was the picture I drew for my 5th grade school concert that made the cover of it, and he framed it so I could put it on my wall. It's crazy, I remember bringing home the concert "playbill"[?] and being so excited that my art made it to the cover. That I was that much better than everyone else. That I was actually a special kid. [No, not "get your helmet on!" special.] It's even crazier that I look at the date of that playbill thing, and it's dated back to 1999. 1999! Before the 2000 bug! Before Y2K! Before I started to enjoy English! Before I went to highschool! Before GRADUATING FIFTH GRADE!! [That was a big step...] Before 9-11. Before Bush?! See: things were good before the country started being greatly affected by that hillbilly. I mean, duh! My art was special back then... now everyone thinks it's "okay". Was 1999 before No Child Left Behind? Shit... I don't remember... how old was I when Brian should've gotten left back, and just went to summerschool instead... He was in 2nd grade... I was in 4th... so that was 1997-1998.. Okay, so maybe it wasn't before No Child Left Behind. But it was DEFINATELY before they added 500 new Pokemon to the original list of 150. Although, they did add Mew. And Togepi? So they had 152 by that time. Still, now they've got to have at least one thousand. Ridiculous. 1999 was before a lot of things. Wow. And it's almost 10 years ago. Wow.