Monday, October 27, 2008


Yesterday's Pepper experience was nothing short of amazing. The entire day, great things happened. We get into the city, and eat Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., and the waitress gives us directions on how to get to Irving Plaza without a taxi. +1. Then, we go to Irving Plaza, and run into Kaleo and Melanie, at the Galaxy Eatery. We chat a little, and go to Union Square to explore Obama Fest. Jesse and I are relaxing, looking at the little merchant booth things, and all of a sudden: A FUCKING ZOMBIE INVASION! I'm totally serious. So we brave through the crowd of 200+ zombies, then we go back to the Galaxy to get something to drink. [Zombie slaying is exhausting] And we run into Brett, who SHOULD HAVE told us something VERY important, but was wrapped up in the game. So we keep going back and forth between Union Square and the Fillmore at Irving Plaza, passing time. And, Jesse and I found free, un-accounted for [because we DID check] money. YAY! FREE MONEY! ON THE FLOOR! WITH NOBODY TO CLAIM IT! WOOHOO!
Blahblah-fastforward. Met up with Erik. Watched Passafire from the top deck of the venue. Went to the lower part to see The Supervillains, and pushed to the front to see Pepper. I do believe that I only made it through 20 seconds of the first Pepper song up there. I got very overheated, and started hyperventilating, and started to cry. Jesse got me to the security guards, who escorted me in front of the stage to the trick staircase under the floor, back up to the main lobby, to the medic. The medics kept asking if I had too much to drink or smoke, but I did neither. Then they told me that I had an anxiety attack while I was in the crowd because I got too hot and couldn't handle it. So I waited outside for some fresh air, and they gave me a water bottle that I finished off within 5 minutes. So Jesse asked Pepper's merch dude: The Intern if he'd get me some water, so he did. Then the Coach came out and asked Jesse what happened, and Jesse told him I got overheated. Blahblah-fastforward. We went back in and spoke with Ted from Passafire, of whom is a TERRIBLY nice guy. And we went to see the ass-end of Pepper's set. The Coach came up for their encore, and made a comment about it being too hot in the venue, Jesse told me that he said it for me because he knew that I had to leave. So they played, it was great. Afterwards, we went BACK to the Galaxy and ate some Un-Chicken drumsticks, which were yummy. And we met up with Kaleo and Melanie again, and got proof that we know them, finally, because I FINALLY had a camera to take a picture with. We spoke to them for a while, told them that I had to leave because I couldn't breathe, and Melanie was like "Oh noo!" She was so nice, and Kaleo was like "OMG WTF?!?!??!?! ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?@#%$@#%#$%^" again, nice people. Upon parting, Kaleo gave me the stern command of "DONT GET OVERHEATED ANYMORE OKAY?!@" Haha. Then we went to meet up with Brett, and he finally told us that he meant to tell us but for some reason didn't, that, "I recognized you when you rolled into the Galaxy... I should've told you that there was a man and woman sitting just where you guys sat, before you, and as the man was eating his food, he started screaming 'WHAT THE FUCK IM NOT PAYING FOR MY FOOD!' and then my wife and I saw a cockroach crawling around the bar's surface, and the dude smashed it with his cigarette box. I mean, it was ONE little roach, it's not that big of a deal, you know." and Jesse and I were struck in horror because we had just eaten there. Brett was like, "I really don't know why I didn't tell you guys.... I'm sorry" Then they proceeded to talk equipment, Brett asked us if Remy did a good job with their sound... I told him that it knocked me on my ass. And they were talking gear, gear gear, and I was sitting there thinking that this is just like talking about different kinds of cheese. Jesse told Brett that I'm learning about instruments and stuff, and Brett was like, awesome, you're learning about each others shit... then he took pictures with us as proof that we know him, too. We caught his personal e-mail address. SCORE. Then we went home. We had to all take a taxi to Jesse's house and then Jesse dropped us off at each of our houses because Erik's sister Jenna was supposed to pick us up, but never answered her phone. I got home, mom got mad. End of the night.

Kaleo, Jesse, Me, Erik

Brett, Jesse, Me.

Erik and Brett holding his "12lb sweat saturated sneakers"