Friday, July 24, 2009

Bill Gates should PROBABLY stop thinking.

He thinks he's helping, but he's terribly misinformed.


Bill Gates, Microsoft's "genius" (BAHAH.) believes that he can change the weather and slow down hurricanes by pumping cold water deep into the paths of the hurricanes.

Ideally, it's a great idea for us humans who are affected by the hurricanes... But what about the rest of the Earth? Really?

SO. We're going to pump supercold water into the ocean, which is very likely to kill all sorts of marine life. Even the kind of marine life that is essential to keep us humans alive, JUST so that we can spare some destruction on our coasts? Please. Other animals know to GTFO when there's a disaster on it's way... why can't humans do it? Instead of us just... moving a little off the shores that get hit by hurricanes, we'll risk destroying the entire planet.

I think that we should sit adults (especially those with power) down and make them watch Captain Planet. (And Fern Gully, too while we're at it!) Captain Planet might be enough to let these people know that we can't just do what we want without any repurcussion.
(Did ANYONE read Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle"?! It's not so far from fiction!)

Why can't humans just go with the flow? We always have to change shit at others expense just to make OUR lives easier.

Well, Earth- if this goes through, I apologize on the behalf of makind for your destruction. You've been a good home.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sweet Cheeks!

So I knew there was something about 7/14 that struck me as special, as I wrote it down a billion times at work.

I knew today would be a great day. Work was good, lots of food and I finished my shit from last month. Then I got home, checked my Facebook and found out Kristina's in labor. SWEET.

Went to the beach, and a 26 foot long shark washed up on East Gilgo/West Overlook. Jesse, Robbie (Jesse's cousin), and I walked a mile to investigate the huge friggen shark. Awesome! During the mile walk, I found a dollar floating in the water. NICE. Put it in my wallet and found $10 more that I didn't think was in my wallet.

Get home, shower, go to dinner and get a call from dad saying that Kristina gave birth to a healthy baby boy!!!! :D :D :D

Tomorrow evening I'm going to go visit the hospital to meet my new baby cousin!
Keri-Ann took pictures, and I can't wait to see him for myself! He doesn't have a name yet, but I still love him!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hi! I'm Bruno!

Yesterday, Jesse and I went to see Bruno with our friends Rob, Kim, and Alyssa. It was okay. It was really funny when you're watching the movie... in the theater, but thinking back, there was nothing particularly funny about it to be quoting or to think back and say, "hey... that part was funny!" I think they should have held more concentration on the part where he goes to the Army, because that part was funny. Everything else was... okay. There was a lot more penis than I had expected. I'd give it a 4/10.

Jesse, Moon, Alyssa and I also went to the beach yesterday! YAY! It was a very comfortable day to go to the beach. The temperature was just perfect. Not to hot but not too cold. Jesse went surfing with his new board. The waves were very choppy yesterday, so it was difficult to catch any.

Next Saturday, I'm having a little bonfire get together at my house. It should be fun. Then, on the 21st, Watchmen comes out on DVD.

Now that I'm looking at the calendar, I need to get studying for my math placement exam for Stony Brook.

Also, the August 5th show in Reno, is coming up quickly. WHICH IS AWESOME! I'm going with Jesse and Erik to Reno, NV to watch them open up for Del Mar. And while I'm in Reno, I'm going to get my second tattoo! :D We'll also be stopping in California; hopefully we'll be close enough to stop by the Santa Monica Pier briefly. I've never been to California, so this will be my first time; unfortunately it's brief because I have work. But I'll be there again! :D

Tonight is Jesse's show at Traxx, and then tomorrow I think we're going to Delaware or Philadelphia because Jesse's cousin had a setback in her recovery from her coma last year. I hope the doctors find out what's wrong with her... :[

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Robots in your eyes.

So I went to see Transformers (part DEUX) today with Jesse. And it was AWESOME! It was violent and wonderful and just a little bit gory. (Enough to make me cringe a little.) Oh! And it had some SUSPENCE OOOOOH! AHHHHHH! So yeah, it was great! I walked out of the movie theater feeling like a 7 year old usually feels after watching some serious episodes of Power Rangers. I totally was hoping that my car was a robot.

That's when you know that you made a good movie: when the watchers feel like 7 year olds afterwards. (Unless the viewer is from 5-9 years old... then it doesn't count) Like.. 300. Totally made me feel like I should be kicking Persian ass. Just like how Power Rangers made me feel like I should be kicking the asses of those grey dudes.

So, anyway; great movie, I'd see it again in a heartbeat!
Speaking of great movies, Watchmen comes out on DVD on the 21st! YAY!
AAAND, Jesse and I and a couple of friends are planning on seeing Bruno tomorrow! +10 for funny buisness.

So yeah. Transformers=great.

Tomorrow's beachy goodness with friends. Then some serious Austrian fashionista-ness.