Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hi! I'm Bruno!

Yesterday, Jesse and I went to see Bruno with our friends Rob, Kim, and Alyssa. It was okay. It was really funny when you're watching the movie... in the theater, but thinking back, there was nothing particularly funny about it to be quoting or to think back and say, "hey... that part was funny!" I think they should have held more concentration on the part where he goes to the Army, because that part was funny. Everything else was... okay. There was a lot more penis than I had expected. I'd give it a 4/10.

Jesse, Moon, Alyssa and I also went to the beach yesterday! YAY! It was a very comfortable day to go to the beach. The temperature was just perfect. Not to hot but not too cold. Jesse went surfing with his new board. The waves were very choppy yesterday, so it was difficult to catch any.

Next Saturday, I'm having a little bonfire get together at my house. It should be fun. Then, on the 21st, Watchmen comes out on DVD.

Now that I'm looking at the calendar, I need to get studying for my math placement exam for Stony Brook.

Also, the August 5th show in Reno, is coming up quickly. WHICH IS AWESOME! I'm going with Jesse and Erik to Reno, NV to watch them open up for Del Mar. And while I'm in Reno, I'm going to get my second tattoo! :D We'll also be stopping in California; hopefully we'll be close enough to stop by the Santa Monica Pier briefly. I've never been to California, so this will be my first time; unfortunately it's brief because I have work. But I'll be there again! :D

Tonight is Jesse's show at Traxx, and then tomorrow I think we're going to Delaware or Philadelphia because Jesse's cousin had a setback in her recovery from her coma last year. I hope the doctors find out what's wrong with her... :[