Friday, July 24, 2009

Bill Gates should PROBABLY stop thinking.

He thinks he's helping, but he's terribly misinformed.


Bill Gates, Microsoft's "genius" (BAHAH.) believes that he can change the weather and slow down hurricanes by pumping cold water deep into the paths of the hurricanes.

Ideally, it's a great idea for us humans who are affected by the hurricanes... But what about the rest of the Earth? Really?

SO. We're going to pump supercold water into the ocean, which is very likely to kill all sorts of marine life. Even the kind of marine life that is essential to keep us humans alive, JUST so that we can spare some destruction on our coasts? Please. Other animals know to GTFO when there's a disaster on it's way... why can't humans do it? Instead of us just... moving a little off the shores that get hit by hurricanes, we'll risk destroying the entire planet.

I think that we should sit adults (especially those with power) down and make them watch Captain Planet. (And Fern Gully, too while we're at it!) Captain Planet might be enough to let these people know that we can't just do what we want without any repurcussion.
(Did ANYONE read Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle"?! It's not so far from fiction!)

Why can't humans just go with the flow? We always have to change shit at others expense just to make OUR lives easier.

Well, Earth- if this goes through, I apologize on the behalf of makind for your destruction. You've been a good home.