Friday, August 28, 2009

Close encounters of the third kind...

Last night was Erik's party, on the occasion that summer's almost over. I had much too much to drink, and let me tell you-- I didn't like it one bit. We had a shit load of Bad News (Bacardi 151)... Erik mixed it in with his batch of 'drank' it was an entire bottle of 151 mixed into a gallon of drink.

I was drinking my sorrows away, as Moon officially moved to NC yesterday. :(

Checked the Stony Brook website, orientation tonight was cancelled. Then I checked my account and my financial aid award was changed. They took away my grant. :( But, I have just enough money after tuition is paid to buy a MacBook. :D It was close.

Today, I hung out with Jesse, our intentions were to go to the beach today, but it's been raining. I might want to take a ride out there anywho being it's my last weekend of freedom. We hung out at his house and rearranged his room. It looks really good now. :)

I can't wait until my tuition is paid and I can buy a MacBook with the excess. My computer is still on the fritz. I think it hates me.

So, now, I'm on Facebook, waiting for my crops to grow on FarmVille. I don't want to leave it alone because then my shit will die again. :(

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Coney Island.

So, Jesse and I went to the New York Aquarium at Coney Island yesterday. It was a ridiculously small aquarium, with a bunch of loserkids, but it was really fun and supercool. We got to see a show with a sea lion named Osbourne... and Osbourne was one funny sea lion. :)

Then, we wandered around Coney Island for a few minutes; I took photos of the murals and the Sideshow by the Seashore building before it gets knocked down. We proceeded to Nathans, and then went to Jesse's aunt and uncle's house.

FROM THERE. We made great haste in getting onto the subway, and paid a mere $2.50 to get into Manhattan- (From Long Island, it's $18ish.) then we walked over to McSorley's Ale House. Which is one of the oldest- and is the longest run ale house in Manhattan. We had 3 rounds of 8 beers... I only drank 3 though, and we had some chili and awesome-yet-simple cheese and crackers. This was near Cooper Union and Cooper Square-- by NYU.

From THEREE, we walked to Pommes Frittes- a french fry place around the corner. They serve french fries in a cone with a dipping sauce of your choice. I chose dill-lemon. Jesse had Parmesan, Aunt Lauren had Mango Chutney, and I have no clue what Uncle Bryan had. So far so good... beer and potatoes +10 for being Irish.

THEN. We walked to Union Square, and went to The Donut Pub. Which is obviously a donut place. We walked back to the subway with the box of 13 'death row donuts' (because they will meet their demise at our tastebuds), and went back into Brooklyn.

Ate donuts, and left. And now it's today.

On Friday, Jesse got his Macbook White. He loves it! :) I'm glad he got to get it before his Dell completely shat the bed. But now my computer's acting gay and will probably need to be replaced in the near/immdiate future. So when I get my student loan next month, I will be buying myself a Macbook, as well. I don't want to get another PC ever ever ever, because all of a sudden I was hit with insane amounts of popups that won't go away under any circumstance.

So, now I'm backing up my music and stuff, readying myself for the end of my PC's life, because I have a feeling it'll be soon.. that way I can do a nice and easy transfer onto my future Macbook. :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

101 Update

I know, I haven't been doing detailed updates... But there's a few that I can remember that have been done recently.

#48. I have witnessed 3 sunrises recently, completing my 5/5.
#94. I got my second tattoo in Reno.
#68. I went to California, completing my "VISIT THE WEST COAST"

The rest of them that I forgot to update, I did a really long time ago, and cannot give a good description of how the hell I did it. :(

Thursday, August 13, 2009


(Heh.. I stole that from Moon.)

But ANYWHO. Just a little peeved. I hate when people tell me that they're taking my photos rather than asking if they can use it on their profile, and then waiting to do so.

Not that it's a huge ordeal, but someone said that they're taking a bunch of my Reno photos to put on their Facebook albums, and by "a bunch" he meant all. So I'm only credited for taking two of the pictures, and I guess the rest of them don't matter.

Like I said, it's not a terribly big deal, it's just fucking annoying that this same person NEVER gives me ANY credit for anything I do. He'll play it off like it was his idea/execution; instead.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

So, I'm home from the West, now. I got home this morning at 9:40am. The trip was so fun! We went to San Jose for a night, then over to Reno for two days. Reno was so much fun, we got to hang out with Del Mar, of whom are all very very nice. We were invited back for January to go snowboarding and play a couple of shows with them. Bud Gaugh invited us personally to go snowboarding this winter with them at Lake Tahoe. Everything was so cool. After we were done at Reno, we went over to Santa Monica, California. It was beautiful! It was like the Coney Island of the west, only much much cleaner. It was wonderful! The only thing I wish we could've done was gone to Lake Tahoe. But we couldn't go because we didn't have enough time :(. I'm excited to go back. We're going to do a week of shows, and then a week of play. And, beforehand I'll learn to snowboard so I don't end up rolling down the slopes. This trip was definitely the MOST fun weekend I have EVER had. It was even better than the weekend cruise to the Bahamas. Being able to hang out with Del Mar and be referred to by them as "friends" was just an awesome feeling. We were introduced as the "friends from New York". It was great.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

We Blew Out of this Town

So, Jesse, Erik, and I are headed west this week. Jesse and I are leaving on Wednesday afternoon, the moment I get out of work, and Erik's meeting us there on Thursday.

Jesse and Erik will be playing a show with Del Mar, featuring Bud Gaugh of SUBLIME, on Thursday night, and then we're headed straight to LA. :)

So I figured I won't have much time to blog (heh... this sentence is so lame) until I get back from the wild,wild west... so I'll do it now, while I have the time.

Last night, Hazmat Bay played at Mc. Z's Pub, which is a nice little bar. I thought they played well.. they did two sets with a half hour intermission in between. It was fun, Megan came with us and it was cool to hang out with Megan and Kim. :)

On Wednesday, Hazmat Bay played at Ollie's Point, and opened up for "Soul To Squeeze" a RHCP tribute, that was sub-par. But the bar was beautiful, and was all about reggae music, which I enjoyed infinitely. That was the first time I was in the bar since it was Molly Bloom's II : a good old shit hole. I was very excited about how it came out, and the owner is terribly awesome. They played after Maui Waui and the Good Vibrations, which was a very fun band. I enjoyed their performance. They go well with Hazmat Bay. Both bands were incredibly energetic, and it was a lot of fun. Moon came down with Sean and her cousin Dean, which was awesome, I really appreciated her coming down and showing support :D. HMB played an intense cover of Santeria (by SUBLIME) where Geoff took the lead on trumpet. It was awesome to hear the crowd scream the words to the Geoff. A very, very good show :)

So now, I am going to start packing and charging batteries and get ready for my superlong flight to San Jose, CA. WEST COAST: I'm coming for you! (And totally not excited about the fact that the day I'll be over jetlag will be the day I come home, and have to get used to it again in NY)