Friday, August 28, 2009

Close encounters of the third kind...

Last night was Erik's party, on the occasion that summer's almost over. I had much too much to drink, and let me tell you-- I didn't like it one bit. We had a shit load of Bad News (Bacardi 151)... Erik mixed it in with his batch of 'drank' it was an entire bottle of 151 mixed into a gallon of drink.

I was drinking my sorrows away, as Moon officially moved to NC yesterday. :(

Checked the Stony Brook website, orientation tonight was cancelled. Then I checked my account and my financial aid award was changed. They took away my grant. :( But, I have just enough money after tuition is paid to buy a MacBook. :D It was close.

Today, I hung out with Jesse, our intentions were to go to the beach today, but it's been raining. I might want to take a ride out there anywho being it's my last weekend of freedom. We hung out at his house and rearranged his room. It looks really good now. :)

I can't wait until my tuition is paid and I can buy a MacBook with the excess. My computer is still on the fritz. I think it hates me.

So, now, I'm on Facebook, waiting for my crops to grow on FarmVille. I don't want to leave it alone because then my shit will die again. :(