Sunday, November 8, 2009

B is for Bob.

I vaguely remember Jesse telling me about this album. It's probably been around for a while, seeing that Noggin which has had time to turn into Nick Jr. again, made the video since it was still called Noggin. It's really cool, though; it's a reggae album that Ziggy Marley put together of Bob Marley's songs. He re-did them so that it's easier for kids to listen to.

He did another album like that called "Ziggy Marley's Family Time" which I knew about, because when it came out, Jesse and I bought it for Kristina, Bernie, and little baby Michael just after he was born. They have good taste in music, and I doubt they'd want to be listening to Raffie's "Baby Beluga" all the time. I believe "Family Time" has a lot of spoken word in it, I think Jamie Lee Curtis reads a story or something, and Jack Johnson does a few songs... it's cool.

So, anyway... Last night, Jesse and I were babysitting his 3 year old cousin, Alexandra. We were watching Noggin/Nick Jr./ whatever you want to call it, and a song from "B is for Bob" came on. Noggin/Nick Jr./ whatever made a music video for "Three Little Birds". It was probably the most adorable music video I have ever, ever, ever, ever seen. I couldn't help but smile. The Sun in the music video, is seriously the happiest Sun ever. It's adorable.

But my favorite part, is that Alexandra enjoyed listening to Bob Marley. Understanding that her dad is like... battling Elvis for the position of the King of Rock and Roll, it's exciting to get his little one listening to reggae music. She listens to a lot of pop music because of her daycare and stuff, but not reggae; her dad hates reggae. So, of course, after seeing that she enjoyed Bob's "Three Little Birds" we threw some Bobby McFerrin on YouTube and had the little one watch it, she liked that, too. Again, with Jack Johnson, and some Weezer. (We watched "Don't Worry, Be Happy", "Upside Down", and "Island in the Sun")

It was fun introducing Alex to new music. I'm never able to do it with my cousins because... I don't think they're allowed to even listen to music. So seeing that reggae music made her as happy as it made us was exciting.
