Thursday, November 5, 2009


I miss my Hei Matau. Bret best be taking good care of it... Maybe it's in Hawaii right now. I'm certainly not... Lucky necklace. I am here, in New York, dogsitting Bosley for my neighbor. He's cute. He follows me around everywhere. I love it.

Going to 311 Day in March. :)
Booked the hotel a few weeks ago, and got the tickets on Saturday. All that's left is an airplane to get us to Vegas. Yeah, 311Day isn't in New Orleans (N'Orleans?) this time.. there was a poopy medical convention planned for that week, so 311 couldn't guarantee any hotels to be blocked out for their fans to stay in. It's a dumb situation, but! I get to go to Vegas, now! :D So, that line on my 101 in 1,001 must be changed from "Go to 311 Day in New Orleans" to "Go to 311 Day in Vegas" because my 1,001 days will be over by next 311 day. And and and: Moon and Dave are going tooooo! <3>
Bret told us he might be able to get us to meet the band on 311 day. It'd be sick.

Jesse, too, has a link to 311...
Are you ready for it?... Here it comes...
He is now proudly endorsed by DIAMOND AMPLIFIERS!
That's right. You know... 311's guitar player... that guy, Tim Mahoney. Welllll if you look at his INTENSE-ASS rig, you'll see that it features all things: DIAMOND AMPS. YES. Jesse and Tim Mahoney are now co-endorsees. THATS FUCKING RIGHT!
I'm so proud. Also- same day- somebody in the Netherlands made a fan page on their version of Myspace for Hazmat Bay. An endorsement AND an out-of-country fan page?! In one day?!@ FUCK YEAH.

Tomorrow night is the celebration of good things that happened this week. I love it! BTW, as of this morning, I'm mostly debt-free. (Aside from school loans) Good stuff.

Was invited to Hawaii or Puerto Rico on Tuesday. Ashley invited us to pick where we wanted to go, and we'd go this winter. BUT we're saving up for 311Day in Vegas so we can't go this winter. Re-scheduled for next winter. Boo-yeah. I lean towards Hawaii... even though we can't stay with Pepper... they sort of live in California now.

Much bullshit has been going on, on the Sublime battle.
In a nutshell:
Bud&Eric- let's play again! :D
Nowell family- no!
Silverback Mgmt- How the Hell did I get dragged into this?
Court order- no!
Bud&Eric- ohh man. D:

So there's like 100x more drama than mentioned above... but that's the jist of it.

That's it. Stony Brook is evil. REAL fucking difficult. Work sucks, but hey, it's money that will get us to Vegas, + Christmas shopping.

I'm done.