Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My cube! There's more, but since my cubicle is rather clean, it's like taking pictures of an empty desk.
The fishies are a new addition :3

Monday, January 25, 2010


It's been said that the speed of a sneeze is about 49mph, to say the least. The highest estimates are 649mph, about 85% of the speed of sound.

What I want to know is:

Who sat there with goggles and a radar gun to measure the speed of a sneeze?

And why?

I honestly wonder why the thought of clocking somebody's sneeze would enter someone's brain. Not that it's a bad thought, it's just remarkably random. :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Let's go Jets!

Today's game determines if the Jets enter the Superbowl (it's a big deal because they're the Mets/Islanders of football)! They'll be against the Indianapolis Colts... I HOPE THEY WIN!
Yes, my team of choice is the Pittsburgh Steelers; but they're not in the runnings anymore.... so being a NEWYORKER (insert obnoxious accent here) I (along with the state of New York) will be rooting for our Jets! :)

Tuesday starts a new semester... and judging by my textbooks: I won't have time for blogging anytime soon. My Art History class required not one or two books or the astounding four... but 12 textbooks. I'm starting to try to get ahead on the readings, because APPARENTLY I have a lot of work to do this semester just for this one class.

The other classes aren't so bad. My evolution class required one textbook, and I'm taking two African Literature classes so that's what all those small novels on the right hand side are for. Those are easy, though.  If I had to, I could read one or two of those over a weekend. No sweat. I'm just worried about the stupid art class that required 12 textbooks and ate all of my money.

Yeah, textbooks are expensive.... that lovely shelf of books ran me $600+. For one semester. WHOO.

Anyways, Jesse's band (HAZMATBAY) may be touring come March or April; So to make sure that I can visit him every weekend (not weekdays because I'm in school) I'm trying to get a little bit ahead on my art readings, because I know those are the ones that are going to be the pain in the ass. So far I have Tuesday night's homework done... so on Tuesday I plan to get Thursday night's homework done... and next weekend I plan to get ahead as much as possible so that come March-April, I'll be able to go for the weekends and visit Jesse on tour.
Hazmat officially moves into their studio this Wednesday, which is exciting. There's a dog at the studio, the owners dog, named Phil/Fil. (I'm not sure of the spelling, but Fil is a possibility because the studio owner is in the music industry and may have named his dog after The Fillmore venue. Just speculating... I don't know that) And Jesse's already 80% moved in, so we'll be able to chill as the rest of the band moves in. I also laid out the beautiful blankets I bought for the girls. The embroidery came out great. And I'm sure they'll be useful because that room gets cold when the other people using other studio rooms leaves the door to outside open. (We're the room adjacent to the outside door... it may get drafty)

45 days until I get to go with Jesse and meet my bff & her brother in VEGAS for 311 Day!! :) I'm so excited!!! :D I'm currently in the process of saving for the trip. It's going to be so much fun!! <3 The only thing we have planned for definite is a trip to the aquarium to see the overhead shark tank of awesomeness. Oh, and the 311 concert... which I thought was a given.

Sublime got their name back. Finally, and legally! So they probably plan on going on tour sooooon, which is great because they deserve it after 15 or so years of not being able to play. They reserved their Myspace pages, and Facebook pages as Sublime with Rome, because that's what they'll be calling themselves. I thought it was nice that they are continuing to list Bradley Nowell as a member in addition to calling themselves Sublime with Rome, as they're honoring the death of their friend and former band mate. It's exciting. Also, with this name they'll also be able to take proceeds of their merch/tour money and put it towards the rumored "Bradley's House" : a rehab facility for teenagers. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Support Doctors Without Borders in Haiti

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Today, Jesse and I went to go see Avatar (finally) and it was AWESOME. I loved it. The graphics, the story line, the message; the whole bit. Sigourney Weaver's character was bad ass, as Michelle Rodriguez's character earns the MVP award.

I got the feeling after I left the theater, that I was a little kid who needed to climb EVERY tree in sight to be like the Na'vi.

During the film, I actually started crying. I'm happy the film had an underlying purpose; but I was still upset that the purpose had been brought to my attention again, as I think about it on an almost constant basis-- and since I can't do anything about it, it makes me very upset. The plot of the movie is based around a paraplegic Marine sent to win the hearts of the Na'vi to gain access to their highly-valuable-on-Earth iron ores. Shit goes sour and then the Earthling start killing. To the point- this isn't unlike our current state; people now are more likely to look out for the paper in their wallets than the lives of fellow humans. Society is most concerned about money, and the value of money has far exceeded the value of a life. It drives me nuts. Being I work for the government, I am reminded on a daily basis that people are selfish. I'm glad, though, that I'm not the only one who sees the harm in killing for money and/or to gain something that doesn't belong to you. That's why I cried. I tried to tell myself that it's only a movie... but it isn't. It's happening here, now, on our planet. And there's nothing I can do about it... except bring awareness to the situation.

On a lighter note-- I want to be a Na'vi!! They're so freaking cool!

And Sigourney Weaver wins MVP for the cast of this movie for the AWESOME stunt she pulled on Fox&Friends:

I've posted this video before, but it's just SO AWESOME.

Awesome, right?! She gets my MVP award for 2009.

The movie gets a 10/10 for being exciting, having a point, the aesthetic value, and sheer AWESOMENESS.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To the New Year!

Starting this year off with a blast, I spent the last three days home, sick. Today and yesterday I called in to work, and stayed home and did NOTHING. Tomorrow I have to go in for the full day, and then work until Friday. Lamelame. But I'm starting to feel better as I've eaten almost nothing for the past 3 days, but cough drops. And drank nothing but tea, water, and Emergen-C.
But, Jesse's been taking very good care of me. :] <3

Yesterday I was stuck watching the new Andy Dick movie, as I only get Comedy Central on the TV in my room, and that was what was on at 10 in the morning... I have to say, it was awful.
Then, I played my Nintendo DS for the remainder of the day, and most of today. I bought UP on iTunes and watched that; it still makes me cry, but it also makes me laugh. :3

Oh, and:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year! +1

Today's day TWO of 2010... it's so weird looking back to 1999 and 2000, where I was SUCH a DORK. I used to not even wear denim jeans. I was a chub, and the denim was painful, so I wore leggings ALL THE TIME. I was also 9-10... cut me some slack. It's also amazing that I get to remember watching the dawn of Y2K with my best friend Amanda. It's awesome that we're still bestest buddies now, and it's A DECADE+ for us. Very exciting.

So, this is the beginning of my third decade on Earth. I've been around for two full one's and 3 months of the 80's (doesn't count). So, this one should be fun! Definitely less socially awkward than the first two decades. And I'm starting it off right! In March I'm meeting my best friend and her brother to celebrate 3-11 Day... in VEGAS. I'm so excited to go and storm Vegas with my two BEST friends. :3 I'm a lucky duck.

Our New Years was quiet. After almost getting into an accident with a Claire Rose truck on Wellwood Ave, we decided that Brooklyn wasn't a great idea; so we stayed in and watched Spongebob, The Hangover, and Angels & Demons.

The Hangover was pretty funny. I know that if I had a trip to Vegas like that one, I'd cry... a lot. I'm amazed the dentist held it together so well... he seemed like the least emotionally stable one of the group.

Angels & Demons, was AWESOME. I was so excited to guess what happened a bunch of times, and I GOT IT RIGHT!! :) Definitely a movie you don't want to walk away from in the middle. Action packed, and very thought provoking. The Illuminati ambigrams in the movie are awesome (the book had them first, duh.) They had the "Illuminati" ambigram, as well as "Earth", "Air", "Fire", and "Water". I'm going to probably read The DaVinci Code, Angels& Demons, and The Lost Symbol this coming summer when I have time. I know that if I start them now, I'll get halfway done with one before I have to go back to school, and put it down until summer, anyway. I'm excited though, to read them. Because as much as I hate reading a book after I've seen the movie or because I've seen the movie: the movies were REALLY awesome so the books MUST be better. :)

Other than that, everything's been quiet.Today we're going to Brooklyn, and I got my hair trimmed. It feels a lot shorter, but it's only an inch and a half off. I'm growing it out to donate. :3 That's the only reason I'm tolerating it being as long as it is. Hair-brushing is painful. I actually broke my hairbrush this morning because it kept getting tangled, and it was painful, and I got pissed off and threw it. Didn't think the brush would break. But it did. Well worth it, though... That little bastard put me through so much pain. :/