Sunday, January 10, 2010


Today, Jesse and I went to go see Avatar (finally) and it was AWESOME. I loved it. The graphics, the story line, the message; the whole bit. Sigourney Weaver's character was bad ass, as Michelle Rodriguez's character earns the MVP award.

I got the feeling after I left the theater, that I was a little kid who needed to climb EVERY tree in sight to be like the Na'vi.

During the film, I actually started crying. I'm happy the film had an underlying purpose; but I was still upset that the purpose had been brought to my attention again, as I think about it on an almost constant basis-- and since I can't do anything about it, it makes me very upset. The plot of the movie is based around a paraplegic Marine sent to win the hearts of the Na'vi to gain access to their highly-valuable-on-Earth iron ores. Shit goes sour and then the Earthling start killing. To the point- this isn't unlike our current state; people now are more likely to look out for the paper in their wallets than the lives of fellow humans. Society is most concerned about money, and the value of money has far exceeded the value of a life. It drives me nuts. Being I work for the government, I am reminded on a daily basis that people are selfish. I'm glad, though, that I'm not the only one who sees the harm in killing for money and/or to gain something that doesn't belong to you. That's why I cried. I tried to tell myself that it's only a movie... but it isn't. It's happening here, now, on our planet. And there's nothing I can do about it... except bring awareness to the situation.

On a lighter note-- I want to be a Na'vi!! They're so freaking cool!

And Sigourney Weaver wins MVP for the cast of this movie for the AWESOME stunt she pulled on Fox&Friends:

I've posted this video before, but it's just SO AWESOME.

Awesome, right?! She gets my MVP award for 2009.

The movie gets a 10/10 for being exciting, having a point, the aesthetic value, and sheer AWESOMENESS.