Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year! +1

Today's day TWO of 2010... it's so weird looking back to 1999 and 2000, where I was SUCH a DORK. I used to not even wear denim jeans. I was a chub, and the denim was painful, so I wore leggings ALL THE TIME. I was also 9-10... cut me some slack. It's also amazing that I get to remember watching the dawn of Y2K with my best friend Amanda. It's awesome that we're still bestest buddies now, and it's A DECADE+ for us. Very exciting.

So, this is the beginning of my third decade on Earth. I've been around for two full one's and 3 months of the 80's (doesn't count). So, this one should be fun! Definitely less socially awkward than the first two decades. And I'm starting it off right! In March I'm meeting my best friend and her brother to celebrate 3-11 Day... in VEGAS. I'm so excited to go and storm Vegas with my two BEST friends. :3 I'm a lucky duck.

Our New Years was quiet. After almost getting into an accident with a Claire Rose truck on Wellwood Ave, we decided that Brooklyn wasn't a great idea; so we stayed in and watched Spongebob, The Hangover, and Angels & Demons.

The Hangover was pretty funny. I know that if I had a trip to Vegas like that one, I'd cry... a lot. I'm amazed the dentist held it together so well... he seemed like the least emotionally stable one of the group.

Angels & Demons, was AWESOME. I was so excited to guess what happened a bunch of times, and I GOT IT RIGHT!! :) Definitely a movie you don't want to walk away from in the middle. Action packed, and very thought provoking. The Illuminati ambigrams in the movie are awesome (the book had them first, duh.) They had the "Illuminati" ambigram, as well as "Earth", "Air", "Fire", and "Water". I'm going to probably read The DaVinci Code, Angels& Demons, and The Lost Symbol this coming summer when I have time. I know that if I start them now, I'll get halfway done with one before I have to go back to school, and put it down until summer, anyway. I'm excited though, to read them. Because as much as I hate reading a book after I've seen the movie or because I've seen the movie: the movies were REALLY awesome so the books MUST be better. :)

Other than that, everything's been quiet.Today we're going to Brooklyn, and I got my hair trimmed. It feels a lot shorter, but it's only an inch and a half off. I'm growing it out to donate. :3 That's the only reason I'm tolerating it being as long as it is. Hair-brushing is painful. I actually broke my hairbrush this morning because it kept getting tangled, and it was painful, and I got pissed off and threw it. Didn't think the brush would break. But it did. Well worth it, though... That little bastard put me through so much pain. :/