This song entertains me. So does the video...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
On a brighter note...
Posted by Courtney at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: The Coral
I'm really upset that Michael Jackson died. Like... really. I was one of maybe 4 in-the-closet Michael Jackson fans on Long Island.
I mean, I guess I need to look on the bright side, now he's in a place where the media can't touch him.
His music has kept me busy for many Halloweens. (You know, the music video marathons.) May he find peace. Maybe he and Elvis will exchange dance moves that way when others join them in the 'afterlife', we can all have a large, choreographed dance-off.
M.J., you'll be deeply missed.
Rest in Peace, your Majesty.
August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009
"In our darkest hour, in our deepest despair, will you still care? Will you be there? In my trials and my tribulations, through our doubts and frustrations, in my violence, in my turbulence; through my fear and my confessions, in my anguish and my pain; through my joy and my sorrow, in the promise of another tomorrow: I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart."
Posted by Courtney at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Michael Jackson
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Today Jesse and I are going to the beach. What was supposed to be an awesome sunny day, turned out to be a unfortunately cloudy day. :[ But I'm convinced that it's going to get sunny again, because as of 7:30 this morning, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. Plus, the weather report said it was supposed to get nice out again today, after the morning clouds pass. But I don't care, more clouds= less people on the beach. Much like when I went on Father's day. (See picture) It was so cool being the only one on the beach except for the surfers. Especially since it wasn't below freezing that day, like on other empty beach days.
Then, later, we're not going to go to the 311 concert due to lack of funds; but we're going to chill with some friends instead. We'll catch another 311 show sometime this summer. From what it seems, they'll be touring again soon. Jesse got big news for Hazmat Bay that they're going to announce later, and I'm real tempted to leak. But I won't.
Tomorrow is supposed to downpour, and I'm starting to feel the very unwelcomed cool breeze in the air, which is making me kind of upset because I want to go to the beach!!! >:[So, we'll see what happens with the whole beach thing... It could be worse. I've been there in worse, much worse. Like when Moon and I skipped school on just about the CRAPPIEST day of the school year and decided to go to the beach and the mall instead. We ended up walking up and down Robert Moses as it was pouring. It was a good time. Wet, but good.
Now to meet up with my schmoopy <3 and go to the beach! :]
And, I do see a trip to Montauk Point in the near future... it's been a while. :/
Posted by Courtney at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: beach
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Your mom does the butt-clap.
Last night was Hazmat Bay's big debut of "The Red Tide", their show at Looney Tunes went off without a hitch, so to speak. I enjoyed myself big time! The only thing I don't like about gatherings of big sorts is that there are so many people that I can't talk to at the same time, and someone always gets left out :[. But the band played very well, and sold a bunch of CDs, which is great! It was very exciting!
At work the Department of Social Services (my job) decided that it'd be fun to have 3 part-time temps do the work of a full time Senior Accounts Clerk without a pay raise, on TOP of the work they're already doing. I'm one of the 3 lucky temps. My direct supervisor got promoted and is leaving our department, so her work is being distributed to me, and two other lucky winners. It'll be fun. And by fun, I mean I don't drink coffee now, but I'm sure to start by the end of next week because it'll be STRESSSFUL!
Tomorrow Jesse and I are going to the beach! It's supposed to be the first nice day of the summer, and I'm pumped!!
So I was reading Moon's blog and came across the article that she had come across about my favoritebandevar 311. I've been a fan of 311 since I've known Moon: having met her 10 years ago, I'm a 10-year fan of 311. I'm only 19 now, so that's the majority of my life right there. And yes, 311's lyrics suck sometimes. Okay, a lot of the times the band just reaches for anything that will coherently rhyme. Alas! It is coherent. And I do have to agree with Moon that the writer of this article was being very unfair in his unfiltered opinion of 311 and their fans. Much like how I was talking to someone who worked in a CD store saying they'd never have a Pepper instore because Pepper fans are 311 fans, and 311 fans get stoned and steal shit. Sorry buck-o you're wrong. That's an unfair generalization. Granted, I don't think that "Uplifter" is 311's best album, (a little too theatrical for me) but it's damn good. It makes me move to the groovin'. But the writer Andrew "Garbage-Day" Miller (who should probably choose a different name; it's too easy) just generalizes and puts down all of 311's fans. "...Given how many of the group's pathetically devoted fans already have ghastly fucking tattoos, they shouldn't be giving these idiots any new ideas for self-defacement..." I'm sorry Garbage Day but I do plan on having an ode to 311 permanently inked on my body, and I do not appreciate being referred to as an idiot. I can guarantee I'm much smarter than you, Mr. Garbage Day.... so shut the fuck up. :]
Posted by Courtney at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 311, Hazmat Bay
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Summer!
So, today is the first official day of summer, and let me tell you the weather is showing it... Okay, not really... It's the same crappy weather Long Island has had for the past month and a half now.
I'm starting to get really angry that I haven't been to the beach since April. I miss it. I want to go surf and swim and everything, but I can't! Whenever it's nice out, the water temperature remains under 70°F which is really uncomfortable if you're like me, and don't have a wetsuit.
Yesterday was International Surfing Day, hosted by Surfrider Foundation and SURFING Magazine. But here on Long Island, our beach cleanup was cancelled... because it rained... again. No good. I was really looking forward to it. Surfrider CLI sent out an email that it'll be rescheduled... so I'll be there on the rescheduled date! :]
I think today is the DeviantART meet in NYC. I won't be there. I'm chillin' with my pops all day, because it is his day. :D But had it been on a different day, I may have gone. And by that, I mean I probably wouldn't have gone anyway. I hate NYC, and I'm content with not knowing who draws/photographs/writes stuff.
So, this week Jesse has his CD release party, which will be very fun. All of the CDs are ready for sale, which is awesome because they were a pain to assemble. Plus I've had enough of the procrastination from another band mate... All of that crap is done! No more drama! This CD has made me feel like I went back to highschool. Everyone was on edge and angry at how long it took to do the simplest of things. But they're done and assembled as of Friday, thanks to Alyssa. She really helped out a lot in putting the CDs together; otherwise it would've been me and Jesse doing ten at a time, and walking away. I'm excited for the release party though, it'll be a good night to hear good music, and chill with good people.
Wow. Mother Nature must be pissed as she's being terribly unforgiving in the weather lately, and the weather to come. So far, it looks like we're going to see rain until next Tuesday. Not like two days from today, but like... ten. We live in Seattle now. Or, Long Island detached from the U.S. and swam up to the U.K. where it is also rainy most of the time. (Or so I've heard.. never been there.)
Posted by Courtney at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Recently I haven't had time to come on here, so here's the latest.
Last week I went to see Up with Jesse and Moon. The beginning was mundo depressing (but then again, it's Disney) but after that it was incredible. We saw it in 3D which was fun, and I think that Moon and I enjoyed it more than the kids in the movie theater did. The two of us laughed hysterically at a recurring circumstance in the movie, where the kids in the theater didn't seem to think it was as funny as we had thought. Overall it was a very enjoyable movie. So if I were to rate it, I'd give it a solid 7/10 just because the beginning was so depressing it was hard to continue to watch the movie.
Yesterday I had my Stony Brook University orientation. It went fairly well; I had taken my math placement exam and placed very poorly, so I will have to re-take that before the semester starts. I made my class schedule and it looks overwhelming, but hey, what's a university if you're not overwhelmed? The campus is beautiful, and the advisors are nice and they have a clue of what they're talking about, unlike Suffolk Community. Yesterday I also made my last trip to Suffolk Community to send over my latest transcripts to Stony Brook. Needless to say, I wanted to walk out of there with my middle fingers held up high.
So other than that, Jesse and Hazmat Bay found a new drummer, Rob. They have a show at the Mooselodge on Friday, then their release party is on Tuesday for their new CD "The Red Tide". I haven't heard the whole thing yet, but so far it sounds spectacular. And I'm not just saying that because Jesse's my boyfriend and it's his band... I'm saying it because I mean it. For realz. Then after that, they have another show at Traxx in Ronkonkoma in July, and at Spoon in August. And after that, Jesse and I are going to see Blink-182, Weezer, and Taking Back Sunday! <-I listed those in order of importance, not appearance.
Um other than that nothing is really going on. Except for the fact that next Saturday is my best friend's moving away forever and ever party. :[ I'm gonna miss her. She's been my BFFF for 10, almost 11 years. And now she's going ALLL the way down to North Carolina. Instead of me traveling 3 blocks, I'll have to travel like... a million. Not good, not good.
Well, I've got to get to work.
Posted by Courtney at 7:09 AM 0 comments