Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Summer!

So, today is the first official day of summer, and let me tell you the weather is showing it... Okay, not really... It's the same crappy weather Long Island has had for the past month and a half now.

I'm starting to get really angry that I haven't been to the beach since April. I miss it. I want to go surf and swim and everything, but I can't! Whenever it's nice out, the water temperature remains under 70°F which is really uncomfortable if you're like me, and don't have a wetsuit.

Yesterday was International Surfing Day, hosted by Surfrider Foundation and SURFING Magazine. But here on Long Island, our beach cleanup was cancelled... because it rained... again. No good. I was really looking forward to it. Surfrider CLI sent out an email that it'll be rescheduled... so I'll be there on the rescheduled date! :]

I think today is the DeviantART meet in NYC. I won't be there. I'm chillin' with my pops all day, because it is his day. :D But had it been on a different day, I may have gone. And by that, I mean I probably wouldn't have gone anyway. I hate NYC, and I'm content with not knowing who draws/photographs/writes stuff.

So, this week Jesse has his CD release party, which will be very fun. All of the CDs are ready for sale, which is awesome because they were a pain to assemble. Plus I've had enough of the procrastination from another band mate... All of that crap is done! No more drama! This CD has made me feel like I went back to highschool. Everyone was on edge and angry at how long it took to do the simplest of things. But they're done and assembled as of Friday, thanks to Alyssa. She really helped out a lot in putting the CDs together; otherwise it would've been me and Jesse doing ten at a time, and walking away. I'm excited for the release party though, it'll be a good night to hear good music, and chill with good people.

Wow. Mother Nature must be pissed as she's being terribly unforgiving in the weather lately, and the weather to come. So far, it looks like we're going to see rain until next Tuesday. Not like two days from today, but like... ten. We live in Seattle now. Or, Long Island detached from the U.S. and swam up to the U.K. where it is also rainy most of the time. (Or so I've heard.. never been there.)