Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Your mom does the butt-clap.

Last night was Hazmat Bay's big debut of "The Red Tide", their show at Looney Tunes went off without a hitch, so to speak. I enjoyed myself big time! The only thing I don't like about gatherings of big sorts is that there are so many people that I can't talk to at the same time, and someone always gets left out :[. But the band played very well, and sold a bunch of CDs, which is great! It was very exciting!

At work the Department of Social Services (my job) decided that it'd be fun to have 3 part-time temps do the work of a full time Senior Accounts Clerk without a pay raise, on TOP of the work they're already doing. I'm one of the 3 lucky temps. My direct supervisor got promoted and is leaving our department, so her work is being distributed to me, and two other lucky winners. It'll be fun. And by fun, I mean I don't drink coffee now, but I'm sure to start by the end of next week because it'll be STRESSSFUL!

Tomorrow Jesse and I are going to the beach! It's supposed to be the first nice day of the summer, and I'm pumped!!

So I was reading Moon's blog and came across the article that she had come across about my favoritebandevar 311. I've been a fan of 311 since I've known Moon: having met her 10 years ago, I'm a 10-year fan of 311. I'm only 19 now, so that's the majority of my life right there. And yes, 311's lyrics suck sometimes. Okay, a lot of the times the band just reaches for anything that will coherently rhyme. Alas! It is coherent. And I do have to agree with Moon that the writer of this article was being very unfair in his unfiltered opinion of 311 and their fans. Much like how I was talking to someone who worked in a CD store saying they'd never have a Pepper instore because Pepper fans are 311 fans, and 311 fans get stoned and steal shit. Sorry buck-o you're wrong. That's an unfair generalization. Granted, I don't think that "Uplifter" is 311's best album, (a little too theatrical for me) but it's damn good. It makes me move to the groovin'. But the writer Andrew "Garbage-Day" Miller (who should probably choose a different name; it's too easy) just generalizes and puts down all of 311's fans. "...Given how many of the group's pathetically devoted fans already have ghastly fucking tattoos, they shouldn't be giving these idiots any new ideas for self-defacement..." I'm sorry Garbage Day but I do plan on having an ode to 311 permanently inked on my body, and I do not appreciate being referred to as an idiot. I can guarantee I'm much smarter than you, Mr. Garbage Day.... so shut the fuck up. :]