Saturday, December 26, 2009

Where are all the Virgins that Bin Laden promised me?

Christmas Terrorist Attack...


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Melting Ice Bear

The ice bear set in the city square will melt on it's own. (Polar ice caps will melt on their own), but those who touch the ice bear speed up the melting process. (Humans sped up nature-- ice caps are melting faster)

I like the visual. It's helpful. :)

Way to go!

I love that she shuts down the host so many times because she wants to talk about something more important to the world than her upcoming "Avatar" movie.

She's clearly taking one for the team, as she changes the subject on Fox News, and probably won't be invited for an interview for a while. But that's okay. She doesn't need Fox News, she's awesome.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


A good video on Water Conservation. (via)
It shows how we currently use water and how we can adjust to use less water. Because water won't be here forever. At the rate we're going, we'll go through a shortage.

(By the way, this video was much larger than my blog, so if it looks squished, it's because I had to resize.)


Just because I'm a loser. My boyfriend not only tweeted to PNut from 311. But received a tweet FROM PNut of 311. This... is awesome. (311 is really hard to get in touch with... trying to get a response from Nick Hexum is damn near impossible.)

In other news, the upper supervisors at work are really really happy with my work, which is exciting. This one lady, Linda, keeps messing with me, but I don't care because all of the supervisors love what I'm doing and are recognizing it and complimenting me on it-- and nobody cares about her work. :3

Last night Jesse and I watched "A Christmas Story", what an amazing movie!! :)

And, I watched a YouTube video of a squid using coconut shells for shelter. Vertebrate animals aren't the only ones to know how to use tools. :)
Rock on, Squidward!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


My Aunt sent me an e-mail pertaining to ways if Muslim and Arabs. In this e-mail was a butt-load of ignorance, and since I cannot respond to the e-mail like a human because the majority of my family is closed minded and takes any opposition as an attack and a reason to start a familywide fight (Holy crap this sounds like the Crusades) My only rebuttle can be on here.
Read at your own risk. (Click on the post title to read the full entry.)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Well put, Soldier...

"The Betrayal of Generation Hope" by Evan Knappenberger

Hadn't thought about that one...

So, last night, (this sounds familiar) was the SECOND night of KROQ Radio's Almost Acoustic Christmas. Featuring 311, Slightly Stoopid, Muse, etc,etc,blahblahblah.

I only found out 20 seconds ago that there was a live webcast of both nights of the show via Facebook application. BUMMER. I could've been watching both of them. :(

But anywho, last night was also 311's last show of the decade. Which is really weird because this year officially concludes my first full decade of 311 fandom. 

Now, a decade, really isn't that long. I know. But I'm 20. A decade is half my life. And I proudly spent half of my life listening to 311, pouring money into their merch, and (the latter part of the decade) going to their wonderful shows.

I would like to thank Moon for introducing me to my favorite band, 311, and I would like to thank Dave for having intoduced it to Amanda... in fifth grade... when we were ten.

As I'm going on thanking for 311 happenings, I'm also going to thank my boyfriend, Jesse for proposing we go to THIS 311Day in Las Vegas with Moon, and Dave. Also, I'm gonna go ahead and thank him for taking me to the couple of 311 shows we've been to and getting us to the veryvery front. And, thanks for telling Moon and Dave about the second selling of 311Day tickets so that they were able to participate in the upcoming 311Day.

I'm thankful for all that is 311.
But, now that I've realized that this is more or less the conclusion of my first decade of 311, I want to get my tattoo (3 plumeria, 1 hibiscus, 1 bird of paradise = 311) with urgency to start off the next decade of 311 with a kick! :D
(As month 3, we will all be in Vegas partying on account of their holiday. And I will be ditching my dad's birthday... which is really lucky that he's only gonna be 49 and I'm not missing his 50th to go to a 311 show.)

So, now I have to get ready for stinky stupid work.... And not more sleepytimes. Catch ya later.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Still Awesome.

I still LOVE this video. Just because it's the epitome of Long Island. :)

Thank you, Barats and Bereta for providing me with entertainment since I first found you guys in 2007...

A Nice Tribute.

Last night was 1/2 of KROQ Radio's "Almost Acoustic Christmas". Jesse and I heard talk of this show for a while being that it was Sublime/"Sublime"/that band that Bud and Eric are in's second bigbig show in a while (first one was the Smokeout Festival). They opened with "Date Rape" and continued to play without ever announcing themselves.

Rome Ramierez, the "new singer" of Sublime had announced that the candles on the stage were there for Bradley. Who died 14 years ago of a heroin overdose.

Photo from KROQ. If you look next to Rome's left knee, you can see the candles on Bud's riser to honor Bradley.

Another photo from KROQ, this one is much better at showing the eight candles for Bradley.

The L.A. Times did an article of last night's show, saying that Rome did a great job filling in for Bradley, and
"...filled Nowell's role ably. He's a fine guitarist and played soulful turns on chill-bro anthems like "Badfish" and "Santeria." He nailed Nowell's vocal inflections to the point that if you were in the beer line when the set began, you'd be forgiven for wondering whether Tupac and Elvis might also be in the building."
 The L.A. Times had also said that "The surprise guest at Saturday night's opening installment of KROQ-FM's Almost Acoustic Christmas passed away in 1996.Which made me think that they were in reference to Bradley Nowell, who passed on May 25, 1996... I think that's what they're talking about... but I'm not entirely sure. I wasn't there, I was (unfortunately) in New York.
"Indeed, much of the first night of Almost Acoustic Christmas -- the second, featuring Muse, Vampire Weekend and Phoenix, is tonight -- stoked the flames of Nowell's contributions to a Southern California rock culture in which punk is the indigenous pop music and the '90s still loom large for today's artists."
I think this is a great start for Sublime/"Sublime"/that band with Bud and Eric to get back into playing the shows that they were never able to play due to Bradley's untimely death. They are going about all of this very respectfully, after waiting 14 years to tour on their Self Titled album, and are paying great tribute to their fallen friend, and band mate.

The Orange County Register wrote,
"Regardless, while acknowledging Nowell’s spirit with eight memorial candles lining Gaugh’s drum riser, Sublime-not-Sublime momentarily stole Saturday’s five-hour show by chugging through nine songs in 30 minutes, including every KROQ staple (“Wrong Way,” “Santeria,” “Doin’ Time,” “What I Got” to close) as well as the L.A. riots-inspired “April 29, 1992 (Miami)” and the group’s cover of the Toyes’ “Smoke Two Joints."
Tonight's lineup for KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas includes: 311, Slightly Stoopid, and Phoenix... Damn, I wish I live in California.

Video Killed the Radio Star.

Yes, he did.
At Erik's party we stormed the interweb, finding some pretty awesome videos... :)

Little guy singing Hey Jude by The Beatles.

Hide and seek.

Groundhog's day..

I don't like you all the time...

Cool stop motion stuff thanks to SuperForest

Saturday, December 12, 2009


So, Tiger Woods is done with golf now, as his wife gave him an ultimatum after he cheated on her with some 200,000,000 mistresses or something to that effect. I personally don't care, it's pretty cool that other golfers can win, now. Survival of the fittest obviously applies to golf, too. Tiger Woods couldn't handle being with just his supermodel wife, and his weakness threw his ass out of golf.

But now, for a cute tiger. Better than the one that plays golf! :)

In other news, tonight's Erik's birthday party/gathering/whatever you want to call it because >8 people can't really be called a party.
Before that, I think Jesse and I are going to catch the new "A Christmas Carol" :) with Jim Carrey in it. Hopefully it'll be awesome! :D

Friday, December 11, 2009

Shiny and new...

I just enabled Blogger's 'updated' posting option. It has a jump break thingamajigger, and I've been trying to figure out how to use it! It's pretty nifty, though, because now that text/video problem I have been having-- it's no more! Problem solved! :]

This afternoon, Jesse and I decorated our first Christmas tree at his house. We are recycling the plastic that the glass ornaments came in and didn't kill the tree-- it's fake! :] We had a lot of fun decorating it!

Then came home, to talk to mom... She's been mass-producing her homemade Bailey's. I'm sure there's copyright infringement happening, but I don't think she cares.

My job is missing money. A lot of money. So the end of this year will be a gigantic scramble to pay people and/or find the missing money. (Which won't happen-- there's too much missing) Oh, well. It's not my problem.

Mom tried to get all political on me. I politely declined.

And this morning, I was PSYCHIC.
This morning I woke up, and Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song was IMMEDIATELY stuck in my head. Now mind you, at 6AM, I don't know what day it is or even where I am half the time, so I definitely didn't know that tonight is the beginning of Hanukkah until I looked at Facebook and loudly asked myself "HOW DID I KNOW THAT?!"
THEN- On my way to work, I was listening to Weezer, and started thinking about how they've been selling Weezer Snuggies with their Raditude CD, and how AWESOME it would be to get a Weezer Snuggie. I get to work and one of my co-workers starts talking about how she bought all of her grandkids Snuggies for Christmas. Again, I loudly asked myself, "HOW DID I KNOW THAT?!"

Yep. I was a psychic for like.. two hours. I should've bought a lotto ticket, but I didn't think that far in advance.

Work was work, and then I conquered the LIE for the first time by myself (I'm a very nervous driver) which was exciting because I didn't die. THEN, I BACKED INTO A PARKING SPOT, without hitting anything. (Again, nervous driver-- we seldom drive backwards)

THIS JUST IN- Jesse updated the Hazmat Bay Myspace, and it looks AWESOME!
He did a great job with it! It looks great!! I'm glad he did it, because if he relied on anybody else it would've taken another eternity...

Okay, I'm done... bye.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thank you, SuperForest!

They posted a video of this little dude performing Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" on the Uke. Adorable TO THE MAX! <3


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And now for the Victor...

Due to it's amazing gadgets, I have decided to overlook the fact that the last time I tried posting a video and then text, it didn't work.

The victor is... Blogspot.

Tumblr put up a good fight, with it's flashy dashboard and cool pre-set themes. But I have no need for most of the stuff on Tumblr, as I have a Flickr gadget, and tons of history with blogspot.

Tumblr also has an iPhone/iPod touch app, which is great for those who blog-on-the-go. But I don't... I barely blog at all.
I do like that you can password protect your blog on Tumblr, but I have no need to do so.

I would 100% suggest Tumblr to musicians, as it has a feature where you may upload audio, and video with superduper ease.
But you cannot add authors to your first blog, on Tumblr. And it seems harder to customize the header to the blog, whereas blogspot makes it eeeeeeassssyyyyyy. :)

I personally like Blogspot better, thanks to my history with it, and the great ease to read the blogs I follow.
But for new bloggers who do not know what the hell to do, and need "IN YOUR FACE" buttons and instructions- Tumblr is great. Much easier to use.
Also, again, musicians- you can upload sound and video to Tumblr.

If I didn't have any history with Blogspot, and had to choose between the two, I would've probably gone for Tumblr. It's easy, aesthetically pleasing, has a bunch more options...

But I do, so screw you Tumblr! :P


I'm checking out Tumblr to see how I like it. I just got really ticked off that I just went to post a video + text on here and the text kept running on, and my words would be broken apart, and it looked like crap and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.

So in the meantime, there shall be a battle royale between Blogspot and Tumblr.
May the best blog win.

Bulldogs are funny.