Tuesday, December 15, 2009


My Aunt sent me an e-mail pertaining to ways if Muslim and Arabs. In this e-mail was a butt-load of ignorance, and since I cannot respond to the e-mail like a human because the majority of my family is closed minded and takes any opposition as an attack and a reason to start a familywide fight (Holy crap this sounds like the Crusades) My only rebuttle can be on here.
Read at your own risk. (Click on the post title to read the full entry.)

To my dear family,
This is an outrage which sickens me and disturbs me terribly.
I googled Dearbron, MI and found this youtube video. It will make you sick. It is very very frightening that this is happening in our own country!! What is happening to us? Is our country/government run by a bunch of whimps??!! If this group gets out of control, which it looks like it has...run for cover, or better yet, buy a machine gun!! You'll need it when the Muslims plan their great jihad on America .

A bumper sticker seen on military bases:
“A Dead Enemy Is A Peaceful Enemy – Blessed Be The Peacemakers”

She was referring to the YouTube video she had watched from an Arab Festival in Dearborn MI. 

Now, the video has almost nothing to do with those at the booths. The attention is being brought to the security guards. BUT what people don't understand is that this is how ALL security guards are. EVERYWHERE. It's their jobs to be assholes and to not give a shit as to what you're doing and why. All the security guards saw was that the cameras were bring excess attention, and they got rid of it. Yes, they did it in violation of EVERY right we in America have... BUT, that's not uncommon for any security guard. I had an AMERICAN security guard grab me and physically put me outside of a venue before. It's what security guards do. They are not Police Officers, so they don't care. That's it. End of story.

Now what irks me about what my Aunt wrote, is the fact that A., this goes on EVERYWHERE with EVERY nationality and religion. And, B., This has been happening for a longlong time. She's using this as an excuse to bash on the Obama administration, but is has been going on since Bush (Maybe even before Bush, I wouldn't know... I was 12)

Now, off the topic (I promise I will be bringing this back around). The other night, at Erik's party... I was a judge for Apples to Apples (Green cards are adjectives red cards are nouns. You pick the best red card to go with the green card at the center of the table) and the adjective was "Primitive". My choices were: Mud, charging rhinos, Americans, and a few more that I can't remember because I had been drinking. I chose the Americans to be the most primitive. Over mud over charging rhinos. But why? Why do I think that American's are so primitive? Well the ending quote of my Aunt's e-mail isn't helping to convince me that Americans are advanced in any way. "A dead enemy is a peaceful enemy - Blessed be the peacemakers." Seems to be the mindset of most. Why, must we kill our enemies? And not change their minds (as stated in the blog on my previous post about Obama...) As primitive people, we revert back to war and violence. We use fear as our excuse. Rather than change the minds of our enemies in an intelligent, calm, respectful, mature manor; we're gonna nuke their asses. Or, well... "Stick a boot in their ass- It's the American way." as Toby Keith put it. Thanks for proving my point, guys. Americans are primitive. We let fear rule us and we use it as an excuse do fuck up the entire planet. 
Americans are fueled by fear, loathing, and money. It's not rocket science.

My Aunt had also referred to the e-mail that she had forwarded with her excerpt. It had to do with the ways of the Muslim, and how it's unconventional for us here in America, and that America should 'fix it'. No, we shouldn't.... It's been this way before America even existed. Yes, it's demeaning and unfair to women. But, no, we do not have the right to intervene. We've seen it already, when we go into a war that we have nothing to do with, the rest of the planet will not have our backs or condone it. Then we look like arrogant, red-necked, assholes. Let's not do that twice in my lifetime. Once is enough.

I don't ask much. I just want people to go about things intelligently, maturely, and responsibly.

My mom, the other day, faulted the other countries for not having our backs as we went to war post 9-11. There is no reason, and she has no right to speak badly of them for not supporting us. It's not their job to support an asinine war that has NOTHING to do with terrorism anymore. And even if it did: You can't fight an idea. Terrorism is an idea. Can't fight one of those. The other countries were right not to support us. We're wreaking havoc on these countries because we're searching for terrorists and destroying their political parties and structures-- it wasn't our place to do so, despite what happened to the World Trade Center, and what happened to the Pentagon on that morning. We are doing worse to their countries than we could ever imagine them doing to ours. They knocked down a few buildings, killed a few people. We're killing an exponentially higher number of people (than those who died on 9-11), and we're causing an exponential increase in American deaths to do so.

Why do we think that killing, slaughter, torture, and death will bring peace? Peace bring peace. Non-violence brings peace. I guess, in a twisted way, the killing would bring peace, because if there's nobody alive to oppose us, it has become "peaceful".

Americans need to re-define their ways. Need to think outside of the box. And definitely need to give me a reason not to call them primitive.