Sunday, March 29, 2009

lots o' stuff.

I never knew that there were that many networking websites for musicians. I just set up like 4 of them this morning for Hazmat Bay. But it's good, because now Jesse and Erik don't have to worry about it, because there's this one website : ArtistData that updates EVERYTHING at the same time. :D I feel almost like a manager... even though I'm not.

Last night HMB played at Da Funky Phish. They played an hour long set, and it was their best performance yet! I'm so proud of them! They got some networking on for a radio station with 14,000 listeners, so they'll do an interview on that via phone, and when the album comes out they'll do an in-person interview. I'm so proud, they grow up so fast! Hehe.

On Friday morning, Jesse and Erik did an interview on Uncharted Waves/ OWWR radio station. They did really well!

That's about it. My brother is friends with a bunch of asshats... And, I love Jesse!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Okey dokey then...

I applied to Stony Brook just now... I hope I get in! I don't see why I wouldn't... I'm currently at a 3.4 cumulative GPA not including this semester, which I need to get my ass in gear on. I need to make up all of my Western Civilization homeworks and work on my Geography homeworks. I want to try to get everything done perfectly. To up my GPA. I want to leave Suffolk under the Dean's list if that's possible from a current cumulative GPA of 3.4? Well, if it is possible, I want to do it! I want to try to get on the Dean's list this semester. I did it during my first semester here, so I don't see why I can't do it again.

Last night, Jesse played at Da Funky Phish. They did a St. Patrick's day thingie, Jesse said they did really well, which I'm very proud of them for. They didn't get in until 1:15am. I didn't go. I'm not the biggest fan of Da Funky Phish... it scares me. Also, it started at 10:30pm, and I had an early class this morning.

Today Jesse and I are hanging out <3. He needs to apply to Stony Brook when we get to his house. I was going to stop and get my laptop and bring it to his house so we could apply at the same time to get it done faster, but I'm already done with my application. So that made time minimal. :] He needs to spackle a little bit more when we get to his house, and then I think we're going out to eat for his mom's birthday. She already got her birthday present from us; we got her a blue iPod nano. It's the month of the iPods. Teri got one, Dad got one, and now this Saturday, mom will have one! :D I hope she likes it.

I'm bored.... I'm going to see if there's any websurfing I can do.
Hasta la bye-bye.

Audrey Hepburn's big toe says hi.

I'm in school right now. I got out of my politics class mundo early... Like 2 minutes into class, early. Sucks that I have to stay, but that's life. Tomorrow is going to be somewhat action packed. I'm going to buy Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit for my xbox360. Which is AWESOME. Then, I'll start doing homework, and I'll drop Jesse off at school. Upon my finishing homework, I'm going to do work for Hazmat Bay. I'll continue that until it's done or the day ends... whichever comes first. If I don't finish it all tomorrow, I'm going to continue to do it either next Thursday or next Friday... whichever day I end up at my house. Hopefully, it'll all get done tomorrow. But if not, it's no big deal. I have to stop at Staples to buy printer ink because I need to photocopy maps for the next Geography quiz.

Today I have to apply for Stony Brook.... maybe I can do that now?

...- I'll be back!.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day♦

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ticket to Ride, and I'm going home...

It's been an interesting few days...

Yesterday, Jesse and I went to the beach to take some photos. We attempted kite flying, but apparently... it's more difficult in person. It also obvs turns me into a monster. So we gave up on that, and took pictures with the records I bought from Looney Tunes forever ago. The photos came out very nicely, as I borrowed my mom's uber-cam 3,000. :B I'm pleased with them. One of them is going to be the album cover for Hazmat Bay's new CD. Jesse and I tried editing it once, but I guess we didn't do very well as it "def needs tweaking". Oh well.. I just take and supply the pictures. Can't take it personally- it's just business. Mom made us pizza last night... but the dough didn't rise the right way... so it was like flatbread pizza. I'm surprised our teeth didn't break right out of our mouths. It was verrry crunchy.

This morning, I went over to Jesse's to help him with his apartment. I spackled-- a lot. I did really well, though. I'm proud of how everything came out. This morning, I also made a Flickr account... and damn near exceeded my monthly limit of photo uploading. I have more ideas for photos and stuff, and I want to see if mom will let me borrow her other camera, it's a super-old manual, and I love it! I got home from Jesse's to find out that Brian took my longboard... without asking. Apparently, calling and telling my voicemail that he's taking it = asking to borrow it and recieving a "yes" for an answer---DUH. So I have to go get that before we go to Aunt Dana's house... otherwise my poor longboard will peril in the oncoming rain. [+10 for fancy words?]

Hopefully Uncle Johnny will have my mom's computer all finished and ready to go by next Saturday... It'd be a real bummer to give my mom an iPod for her birthday if she doesn't have a computer to upload the music to.

That's pretty much it for now... Throughout this week I have some Hazmat Bay homework. I gotta write up their biography. But I need Rob's last name, first. Then, they need to set a date for a photoshoot with my uncle, and then I can put them on Twitter and Facebook. And, as soon as they send me friggen music, they'll have a fully loaded account. It'll be great. But unfortunately: one thing needs to happen in order to get another done, and the weather hasn't been very permitting within the last few days to do a photo-shoot or anything like that. All in good time, all in good time.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Yesterday was Jesse and my 2 year anniversary<3 [yay! yay! yay!]. We went to Sushi Park where I ate all too much food, and then we went to see Watchmen in IMAX. [OMFG!@(@#* IT WAS GREAT!]

I have to say, having read the graphic novel, I'm pleased with how the movie came out. I know that there was big controversy or whatever as to whether the movie could even come CLOSE to the graphic novel, but they did well with it. They left out what they had to and added what they wanted to, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I still love the graphic novel 100x more, but the movie was REMARKABLY entertaining. I suggest it! ...unless you're squeamish, then you shouldn't see it ever. I love, love, love how the characters were portrayed; especially Jon. NOT because he was naked, but I liked how soft-spoken he was all the time, it was calming [he's my favorite in the novel, too].

So, today I finished Lamb. Which is AWESOME, so now I'm reading another Christopher Moore book: Coyote Blue. Then after that I intend on reading the Philosophy of WATCHMEN: A Rorschach Test. (Finishing Lamb makes 1/10 on my 101, by the way)

Also, today we gave my dad his super awesome birthday present: his iPod! :D He loves it which is pure greatness! He was playing with it all day. :] Exciting.

Tomorrow: school. Then on Tuesday I'm going to start exercising on Nancy's elliptical machine! :D

Unfortunately, this weekend, one of Sawyer Ave.'s lifeguards passed away in a car crash. I believe it was a head-on collision with a drunk driver who was on the wrong side of the road. Fucking sucks, drunk drivers are morons. All of them. They put so many people in danger because they're fucking irresponsible. I hate it. RIP Liz. :'[


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Feathers are ruffled.

Last night, SUBLIME "re-united"... which is pretty much an impossible task being that Bradley's kinda sorta dead. Brad was replaced by this Rome fellow, and Bud and Eric are going on as if Brad comes at a dime a dozen. SUBLIME isn't SUBLIME without Bradley-- he was the creative mastermind behind the band, it's his lyrics, and mostly his songs. He was SUBLIME. I think what ruffles my feathers even more is that Bud Gaugh (drummer) had even admitted it in an interview with Randomville on July 1, 2008:

"BG: It would be “selfish” to move on & keep trekking like Brad is easily replaceable. Additionally, we’re respecting his wishes by not looking for a fill-in. Sublime was Brad, Eric, and myself, not Eric, me, and Joe-fucking-blow. After all, is it really Queen without Freddy Mercury? C’mon. "

But I guess the royalty checks stopped coming in, and they REALLY needed to replace Brad without replacing the band name, too.

Don't get me wrong: Rome does a good job with Bud and Eric... but he's not Brad, and they're not SUBLIME.

nothing exciting...

...except for the 8-14 inches of snow Long Island is supposed to get tonight/tomorrow. Maybe Suffolk will cancel classes? Wishful thinking, I know. But if classes are not canceled... there's a good chance I won't be showing up to any of them anyway. Life>School.

I haven't been able to photograph/draw/art anything lately... which blows. My excuse for the photography is the constant snowy/crap weather that makes for cold hands. And, for everything else: I've been busy. While I have the free time, I should probably be typing more of my rough draft for Contemporary Global Literature.... but I can't think anymore.

Last night, Jesse had a show at the Spoon. I did my Lit. essay the whole time. It's not due until next Monday... but, Lord knows what will pop up this week.

Apparently- today was the Album Art deadline for Jesse's band. Wonder what will come of that...

Oh-OH! Friday- WATCHMEN comes out in iMAX! WHOO! I'm pumped! Yesterday, Moon and I went to see Coraline. I honestly don't know what it was about. I should look it up, because I was confused throughout the entire movie.