Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ticket to Ride, and I'm going home...

It's been an interesting few days...

Yesterday, Jesse and I went to the beach to take some photos. We attempted kite flying, but apparently... it's more difficult in person. It also obvs turns me into a monster. So we gave up on that, and took pictures with the records I bought from Looney Tunes forever ago. The photos came out very nicely, as I borrowed my mom's uber-cam 3,000. :B I'm pleased with them. One of them is going to be the album cover for Hazmat Bay's new CD. Jesse and I tried editing it once, but I guess we didn't do very well as it "def needs tweaking". Oh well.. I just take and supply the pictures. Can't take it personally- it's just business. Mom made us pizza last night... but the dough didn't rise the right way... so it was like flatbread pizza. I'm surprised our teeth didn't break right out of our mouths. It was verrry crunchy.

This morning, I went over to Jesse's to help him with his apartment. I spackled-- a lot. I did really well, though. I'm proud of how everything came out. This morning, I also made a Flickr account... and damn near exceeded my monthly limit of photo uploading. I have more ideas for photos and stuff, and I want to see if mom will let me borrow her other camera, it's a super-old manual, and I love it! I got home from Jesse's to find out that Brian took my longboard... without asking. Apparently, calling and telling my voicemail that he's taking it = asking to borrow it and recieving a "yes" for an answer---DUH. So I have to go get that before we go to Aunt Dana's house... otherwise my poor longboard will peril in the oncoming rain. [+10 for fancy words?]

Hopefully Uncle Johnny will have my mom's computer all finished and ready to go by next Saturday... It'd be a real bummer to give my mom an iPod for her birthday if she doesn't have a computer to upload the music to.

That's pretty much it for now... Throughout this week I have some Hazmat Bay homework. I gotta write up their biography. But I need Rob's last name, first. Then, they need to set a date for a photoshoot with my uncle, and then I can put them on Twitter and Facebook. And, as soon as they send me friggen music, they'll have a fully loaded account. It'll be great. But unfortunately: one thing needs to happen in order to get another done, and the weather hasn't been very permitting within the last few days to do a photo-shoot or anything like that. All in good time, all in good time.