Sunday, March 8, 2009


Yesterday was Jesse and my 2 year anniversary<3 [yay! yay! yay!]. We went to Sushi Park where I ate all too much food, and then we went to see Watchmen in IMAX. [OMFG!@(@#* IT WAS GREAT!]

I have to say, having read the graphic novel, I'm pleased with how the movie came out. I know that there was big controversy or whatever as to whether the movie could even come CLOSE to the graphic novel, but they did well with it. They left out what they had to and added what they wanted to, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I still love the graphic novel 100x more, but the movie was REMARKABLY entertaining. I suggest it! ...unless you're squeamish, then you shouldn't see it ever. I love, love, love how the characters were portrayed; especially Jon. NOT because he was naked, but I liked how soft-spoken he was all the time, it was calming [he's my favorite in the novel, too].

So, today I finished Lamb. Which is AWESOME, so now I'm reading another Christopher Moore book: Coyote Blue. Then after that I intend on reading the Philosophy of WATCHMEN: A Rorschach Test. (Finishing Lamb makes 1/10 on my 101, by the way)

Also, today we gave my dad his super awesome birthday present: his iPod! :D He loves it which is pure greatness! He was playing with it all day. :] Exciting.

Tomorrow: school. Then on Tuesday I'm going to start exercising on Nancy's elliptical machine! :D

Unfortunately, this weekend, one of Sawyer Ave.'s lifeguards passed away in a car crash. I believe it was a head-on collision with a drunk driver who was on the wrong side of the road. Fucking sucks, drunk drivers are morons. All of them. They put so many people in danger because they're fucking irresponsible. I hate it. RIP Liz. :'[
