It's a really horrible feeling to be reuniting with two of my childhood friends via the wake of their uncle. :(
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Today I saw "The Social Network", and I have to say that I enjoyed the film. The story line was very interesting, being it's [unfortunately] a large part of my day-to-day routine. I was kind of disappointed that the 'founder' of Facebook essentially Bill Gates'd the idea from other people who were looking to include him on their project in the first place; according to the film. I didn't know anything about how Facebook started prior to this, aside of it being exclusive to college students at the beginning. And this movie was based on a true story, and everyone knows that the word "based" is used very loosely. But according to Mark Zuckerberg's Wikipedia page, there was a lawsuit involving the Winklevoss twins [played by the same actor in the movie who had an unusually deep voice for a white man] and he went to Harvard. The Wikipedia page said nothing of Justin Timberlake's character who was a d-bag... or of Eduardo, who was cool.
After reading bits and pieces of Zuckerberg's Wikipedia page, [which is always 100% accurate, duh] it doesn't seem that he's as much of a jerk as the movie portrayed. He donated I think 100million dollars to the Newark New Jersey school systems, which is pretty awesome, and he seemingly has a good sense of humor being he played himself in a Simpsons episode.
I'd give this movie a 7/10. It was very good, but I don't think I like how the movie was structured with the flashbacks and flash forwards to the court cases. That made the movie a little bit harder to follow than it should have been.
Plus, the movie served as a FANTASTIC 2 hour commercial. When I got home I was in the mood to do two things: blog, and check my Facebook. Which I would say makes the movie a great success!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Today I found out that We're goin [goin] back [back] to Cali [Cali]! Jesse let me know that the day after Christmas, we're all headed to San Diego for our Christmas gifts to each other. I cannot wait to go to California with my love again! It's going to be especially fun because I haven't been to San Diego before, I'm old enough to drink, and Disneyland in Anaheim has a Nightmare Before Christmas festival until the beginning of January! It's going to be so great! I loved Cali last time, and I can't wait to go again!!! This means I'm going to have to start saving my money HARDCORE. I've been looking to take care of Christmas gifts lately so that won't be an issue.
Posted by Courtney at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
A lot.
Right now I'm on my 2 week vacation from work. Last week Jesse and I spent in North Carolina with Moon and Meema and Peepa. Moreso with Moon. We had a lot of fun and went to the beach a bunch of times. We bought a shiny new "piece" and I bought myself a new ukulele, a concert ukulele. It's currently making friends with my pineapple (soprano) ukulele. I'm super stoked about this because I'm really learning how to play now. I'm picking it up slowly but surely, and I really enjoy it.
Jesse and I also went to Boston not this past week, but the one before it, to visit his brother. It was really fun checking out the city and staying with Jesse. :)
Today I bought myself a handy-dandy Bluetooth thing, so I don't have to throw the phone to the passenger seat at the first sight of a cop. :) Safe and efficient!
Tomorrow, we're going to see Sublime with Rome and Dirty Heads again, this time up in Poughkeepsie NY. Todd Foreman, the sax player, texted Jesse last night stating he could get us tickets to get in for free, so of course we're going to jump on his offer. Also, this will be the last time we see them play before they head to Germany to tour.
I also wanted to take this time to not really update, but put down what's left of my 101. There are some things that I don't want to complete anymore, so those will be listed in red.
1. Lose 20 lbs [5/20]
2. Keep 20lbs off
4. Do 100 sit-ups a day for a month straight >[This seems incredibly unhealthy, and time consuming. It's not realistic and I'd rather work out on the Wii Fit.]<
6. Walk/jog/run an hour a day for a month >[See above]<
8. Don't eat junk/fast food for a month
9. Run a mile on the beach (with use of a pedometer)
10. Go back to vegetarianism >[It's much too expensive right now, and I feel that I'll be getting better nutrients from lean meat]<
11. Go to the dentist
18. Keep car spotless for an entire month
19. Sell back school books >[For a $45 sell-back rate, I'd rather keep them being I spent $100 minimum on each]<
25. Learn three skateboarding tricks [0/3]
26. Learn Hawaiian
27. Learn to hula dance
28. Learn to SCUBA dive
30. Re-learn how to ride a bicycle
34. Skate down a half-pipe
40. Climb a rock wall
41. Don't get angry for a month
42. Don't burp out loud for a month straight
42. Take a photo a day for a month
45 Maintain a garden for a summer
47. Build a ship in a bottle >[This is stupid. I don't want to.]<
50. Write 5 haikus [1/5] >[See above]<
51. Paint two pictures [0/2]
52. Donate 250,000 grains @ [28,050/250,000]
56. Attend three beach clean ups [2/3]
57. Plant two trees [0/2]
59. Build a birdhouse
60. Donate blood
61. Volunteer in two soup kitchens [0/2]
66. Do two charity walks [0/2]
69. Get passport
71. Visit Hawaii
74. Go to Medieval Times in New Jersey
75. Go jet skiing
76. Go to the beach everyday for a month
77. Swim with the dolphins
79. Go kayaking
80. Go skydiving >[I still want to do this, but will not in my 101 time frame. Jesse doesn't quite feel comfortable with this being I'd be jumping out of a perfectly good airplane and must sign a waiver. I totally understand this and don't want him to feel uncomfortable... it can wait. It's not that important.]<
82. Move into an apartment with Jesse
85. Have a dinner party
86. Send out Christmas cards
87. Buy random flowers for mom three times [0/3] >[For the past forever she's been giving me grief, she doesn't deserve it; and flowers are pricey]<
88. Get a professional photo of my brother and 3 step-brothers for dad and Nancy
89. Host 3 movie nights [0/3]
90. Send out 10 birthday cards [3/10]
91. Have an off-season beach party
92. Hang out with my brother 25 times [16/25]
93. Go on a picnic
96. Identify 25 things I like about myself [0/25]
99. Send a secret to PostSecret >[Secrets are secrets for a reason and I don't want mine published. Thank you.]<
So aside from all that, everything else is going well. Brian's in college and attending classes; I'll be on a job hunt soon-- as my mom found the time between walking up the stairs and getting to her bedroom to hound me about it. And Jesse and I are pumped for Sublime tomorrow! :D <3
Posted by Courtney at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I haven't had time to post anything substantial.
The other night was Sublime with Rome at Jones Beach Ampitheater. It was awesome seeing our friends rock out to a crowd that large. I'm so proud of them. Tour manager, Cheez, invited us backstage afterwards where we got to meet up with our friend Amber and talk with her, as well as our friend Bud, and Todd. Rome and Eric were both busy, but that's okay. I'd rather talk to Bud and Todd; they're really nice. Bud looked really tired, but really excited to hear that we're planning another trip to Reno to visit them. :)
I'm exhausted this morning and my stomach is killing me. Luckily, I only have 5 hours of work ahead of me... I can't handle this pain. :(
Posted by Courtney at 6:42 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2010
This weekend has seriously been the best of my life.
Friday, we went to see Pepper/Offspring/311 (the show went on in that order.) and we got there early. Like... really early. The doors opened at 6pm and we were there at 1pm. But it payed off. Jesse got to network with someone from Mulcaheys-- a local venue, and we got a bunch of free Donovan Frankenreiter tickets for this Tuesday. Then we were hanging out and a couple of hours passed bye and we chilled in the car.
Megan thought she saw a mirage, and asked if the hot guy on the horizon was real. It was Kaleo, skateboarding through the parking lot. So we then got out of the car, and Kaleo told us that he's hook us up with 3 all access stickers.
When the time came to get the stickers, they had run out because I'm pretty sure the intern gave them to his friends who only went backstage for a minute. Anywho, the Coach escorted us to the backstage area where Kaleo and Bret followed. They had a whole BBQ set up with food and cornhole and some weird kind of ringtoss. So we hung, BBQ'd, bullshitted with the band. Megan was in shock and awe of being near Kaleo, but her bubbliness made him adore her -- in a non sexual way, more like how one would adore a puppy.
We had some chicken legs, which were so spicy I thought I was eating fire, and made some industry connections. Then I heard over Coach's walkie that he should fire up the grill because 311 is coming back.
In a matter of minutes, Chad Sexton walks past me. I ALMOST CRAPPED MYSELF.
Then Tim came in with Nick and SA. It was WONDERFUL. We got the opportunity to not only meet 311, but to converse with them and take pictures.
And by converse with them I meant, Jesse did the talking and I just said "Thank you" a billion times because I forgot how to say anything else.
It was seriously the greatest night of my life.
This morning, Jesse, Allan, Teri and I went on a fishing boat. Teri and I didn't fish, but Jesse and Allan did. Jesse caught 4 fluke and about 2 dozen crabs, and Allen caught a bunch of fish and won the pool for the largest fluke in length. +$40 prize moneys.
Now I'm here, getting ready to shower, because I haven't since Friday morning and we're gonna eat some foods, and then Brian's coming home after the World Cup final. Roger went to go get him.
Tomorrow's work, then on Tuesday I'm going to go to Walmart to develop my 311 photos in duplicate and pick up some fuchsia hair dye...
Then Wednesday's the Jack Johnson concert.
Very busy month... will probably update sometime in September.. :)
Posted by Courtney at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Beeps for BP.
A while ago, I started a habit of beeping at everyone who throws cigarette butts out of their car windows, into the street/grass/whatever. It's fun. I don't want your addiction, thank you very much. And I don't feel like our Earth should suffer from your stupid habit.
Currently I'm developing another habit. My cousin Leesa tweeted that every time she passes a BP station with patrons fueling up, she leans on the horn. EXCELLENT! I've adopted that, and made it into another beeping habit. I mean, why? Why fill up at BP? It's not like they're the ONLY oil company in the world; they just so happen to be the worst! It bothers me especially when there are alternatives to BP within eyesight. For example: Vets Hwy in Ronkonkoma-- There's a Hess station, and a BP on one side of the road, and DIRECTLY OPPOSITE is another Hess. Not too far away. Just across the Hwy; a simple u-turn would do the trick!
This morning I looked on the live feed of the oil spill --- it's still spewing out oil at an incredible rate. Really, I would've never expected that 8 weeks later it would be spilling at the same velocity --- actually, a heightened velocity thanks to BP blowing it up into a giant hole instead of a big one and 2 little ones --- as day 1.
Well, I would've never expected that it would still be uncovered, and unresolved 8 weeks later.
An approximation of 634 live oiled birds have been captured, 42 of them were released, and 783 were collected dead.
Also, according to Surfrider's estimate - the spill is at approximately 62,244,000 gallons of oil in the Gulf.
And on that same blog, it states that "BP continues to drill two more 'relief wells' that are intended to intercept the blown-out well at a depth of about 16,000 feet. Drilling mud and cement would then be pumped into the well to seal it. The wells will take at least two more months to drill."
So, not only has it gone on for two months, it's going to take AT LEAST two months before the relief wells are drilled. Ok, that will be 4 months down the drain, and what's going to happen then? BP realizes that it was a bad idea to continue drilling on their disaster? Then we have to wait 2 more months for another idiot solution? At this rate, oil will be reaching us in NY before we know it.
So, being BP is destroying pretty much everything in the Gulf at this point, the LEAST a civillian can do is boycott their gasoline, and beep at those fueling up at the stations. Don't beep in extreme anger at these people, consider their circumstances: they're clearly stupid, so treat them with care, beep to encourage them to use other gas stations. Unless you're really in the middle of the desert with ONLY BP in sight, and your car is already out of gas and stalled on the side of the road and you have to walk to get to the next gas station to get some temporary fuel and that lone gas station you have to walk to happens to be BP. That, my friend, is an extenuating circumstance, and nobody should be expected to boycott under those conditions. But! A suggestion: Fill up that little red container with enough gas to get you to another gas station, a non-BP station. That way you don't give BP too much of your money. 10 dollars is acceptable in my book; as long as you're in that situation. Anything less than that: BEEP!
Posted by Courtney at 6:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
You Suck
Posted by Courtney at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Life Experiences
Piggy-backing off of my friend Moon's blog entry on life experiences in Dec. 2008; I took the same Life Experience Test as she did. I love Facebook tests like that, because they make me laugh. I love that people create these tests to tell one how much he or she has lived in their lives thus far, or what celebrity they are most like, because obviously the creators know all about the personal lives of the celebrities.
Posted by Courtney at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
To The Sea, Any Port in a Storm, and more!
Haha... the title seems like a gimmick. No gimmick here, just procrastination.
I bought Jack Johnson's "To The Sea" when I purchased tickets to his concert at Madison Square Garden. On the first of this month, I was able to download it. I couldn't explain the excitement, being I had been waiting for this release since "Sleep Through The Static", and his single "You and Your Heart" was just so happy and amazing. I learned from "Sleep Through The Static" that the later of Jack Johnson's music I have to listen to over and over for the music to grow on me. Unlike "In Between Dreams" and "On and On", etc. I've been listening to this album almost non-stop since 6/1... and I'm sick of it. I couldn't believe the album... I'm actually going to have to put it away for a month or two, listen to nothing but death metal for that time, and then try to listen to the "To The Sea" again. The CD is just so.... boring. I know that Jack usually puts out very chill music, and I love that; but on this album, every song sounds almost exactly the same. Plus, for me to get sick of an album after 11 days, isn't a good sign. As of right now I'd give the CD a 3 out of 10. Lyrically, the songs are pretty cool (except for "At or With Me"), but musically, they all sound the same. But, in the defense of all musicians--- all music groups have a shitty album or two. I know Pepper will admit that "Pink Crustaceans and Good Vibrations" is their least favorite album, and as much as I enjoyed it-- I understand that many fans feel the same way. And in my opinion 311's "From Chaos" on the whole wasn't as great as the other albums. So hopefully this album grows on me, or Jack will come out with some AMAZING stuff in a couple of years.
Posted by Courtney at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Another bit of stupid sillyness.
[x] you wear flip flops all year
[] you call flip flops thongs not flip flops
[x] you love a backyard bbq
[] you know a barbie is not a doll
[x] you love the beach
[x] you are tan / kind of tan
[] you’re a bit of a bogan(what does that mean?)
[x] you have an australian something
Total= 5
[] the Sopranos is a good show.
[] your last name ends in a vowel.
[x] your grandmother makes her own sauce.
[x] you know how a real meatball tastes.
[] you know a lot of italian songs.
[x] you have dark hair and/or dark eye color
[] you speak some italian.
[x] you are under 5'10"
[] pasta is the best food in the world.
[x] you talk with your hands/ sometimes
[] you say member instead of Remember
[] you speak spanish/ or a little
[] You love tacos.
[] yoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr/ sometimes
[] you know what a Bodega is.
[] you cantalk fast
[x] you have dyed your hair
Total= 1
[] you say villian as: Vee-lon
[x] you can get short tempered
[] you know of sombody named natasha
[] white skinned
[] you dont get cold easily
[] snow is fun for you
[] you get into contests often
[] You can easily make do with the cold weather
[] It’s about the vodka.
[x] you curse in everyday language
Total= 2
[] you think beer is the best
[x] you have a bad temper/ sometimes
[] Your last name starts with a Mc OR Murph or O’ or Fitz or ends with a ley/ly,on,un,EN,an,RY,ny.
[] you have blue or green eyes.
[x] you like the color green.
[x] you have been to a st-pattys day party.
[x] you have a family member from Ireland-- i guess it counts if theyre dead... right?
[x] you can be very loud
[x] you are a happy person
Total = 6
[] you have slanty eyes
[x] you like rice a lot
[] you are extremely smart
[] you can play the piano
[] you have family from an asian country
[x] you laugh sometimes covering your mouth
[] most people think you’re chinese
[] you call hurricanes typhoons
[] you go to Baulko
[] you know how to speak any asian language
Total= 2
[x] you like bread
[] you think American Chocolate would be better with less Sugar
[] you drink your coke without ice.
[x] you Speak a little German
[x] you know what Schnitzel is
[] you are Catholic Christian or Lutheran
[] you hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi
[x] you went to Kindergarten/Pre-school
[x] you’re at least or over 5'4
[] when you get angry some sort of accent comes out.
[] techno is your favorite or trance.
Total = 5
[x] you start laughing out of no where
[] you laugh with a high pitch
[] you like techno
[] you have to ask someone how to spell Polish
[x] you have a round shaped head
[x] you have dark brown, or blonde hair
[] you dont get tan in the summer
[] you know that your not called Polish your called a Pole
[x] you are at least 5' 5" or taller
[] you are athletic
Total = 5
[x] you like/play hockey
[] you love beer
[x] You’ve said eh
[] you know what poutine is
[] you speak some french
[] you love Tim Hortons donuts
[] at one point you lived in a farm house
[] you have watched degrassi
[] You've made your own maple syrup
Total= 2
Even though none of this made sense, it was accurate... I am Irish...
Posted by Courtney at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 31, 2010
I haven't done one of these since my Myspace days... so long ago...
Hi, your name is?
When you're bored in class, what do you usually do?
If you are being extremely quiet what does that mean?
What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Do you have any bruises?
Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?
Yeah. Still do, <3.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I do! <3
Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?
If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them?
Yeah. I'd be REALLY FUCKING PISSED though. And then I'd have trust issues for the next 8 years or so. But, yeah.
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
Yeah. Jeans. For once.
Do you believe teenagers can be in love and stay in love?
Of course! I met the love of my life when I was 17. 3 1/2 years and still strong, baby!
What were you doing at 2am last night?
Sleeping! I'm pretty boring for a 20 year old.
Would you go in public looking like you do right now?
Yeah, I've gone in public right out of bed, and in my bathingsuit SEVERAL times.
Let's test your memory, what were you doing at this moment a year ago?
Uh. I have no idea.
Do you always answer your phone?
If I hear it and am not on the toilet.
Do you like the snow?
The first hour of the first snowfall... the rest of it sucks.
Who is the last person you got a text from?
Are you waiting for anything?
Yeah.. I'd really love to skip college and magically know my field.
Do you think that crying is a form of weakness?
yeah it kind of is, but it's good to do from time to time.
Have you ever found someone you really, really, really liked?
Yep, and we're together! :D
What's been different this year?
I'm more passive. Moon lives in NC. I've gotten closer with people, and am starting to re-unite with old friends.
Do you look older than you are?
Depends on who you ask. When my hair was long, no, I was mistaken for a 16-17 year old. But now that my hair's shorter, yeah, I've been told I look 24-25.
Have you ever wished on a shooting star?
I've never actually seen one... but if I did I'd probably forget to wish because I'd be geeking out.
Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today and what did it say?
Do you think about the past?
On occasion.
Last night you felt?
My tummy hurt :(.
What's your favorite thing to do when you're bored?
Lay down and do nothing.
What are you wearing right now?
Jeans, flats, an American flag T-Shirt, my heart ring, my claddagh ring, and Jesse's hei matau.
Do you want to see somebody right now?
Yeah, he left because his tum hurt. :[
Would it be more likely of you to fail Science or Math?
Kill the spider or let it out?
Depends on the size and scary factor. Big scary ones I run away from and beg my mom to kill. Average sized ones I try to ignore. Small ones I trap in a cup and postcard and let go.
Are you short?
5'5". So, not really.
Have you recently made up with somebody?
Last people you rode in a car with besides family?
Besides family... Jesse and Andrea.
You've taken fifteen shots of vodka, what are you doing?
HAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT. I'd be sleeping somewhere.
Can you open a soda can with a body part other than your hands?
Yeah, probably.
Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden in your room and where?
No, I'm 20, I don't need to hide them.... But I don't really drink so there's no issue.
Think back in February, how was your love life then?
Have you kissed more than ten people this year?
Like, barely-touching-cheek-kisses? Yeah. Real kisses, no.
Does anyone call you babe?
Of course.
Who makes you happiest?
#1. Boyfriend. #2. Dad. #3 Family & Friends. They're all SO FUCKING WONDERFUL! <3
As of this minute, what is going through your mind?
This is a long-ass survey.
Do you miss anyone?
Jesse, Brian, Moon.
Ever actually tYp3d lYk3 th!$?
Is it warm out enough to go out in a T-shirt where you live?
Last person you talked to in person?
Do you get a 'Good Morning' text from someone every day?
Is any part of you sad at all?
Nah, I'm a happy camper.
Are you a happy person?
See above.
Do you like your cell phone? Or do you wish you had a new one?
I do, actually.. it's pretty cool. I do want an Android phone when the new ones come out.
Is there any food by you?
Not anymore.
Is there a specific moment you can replay in your mind perfectly?
A few, yeah.
Do people ever call you by your last name?
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
When the battery is really really low, and I don't want to lose power in case I need to make emergency phone calls.
Do any of your friends dislike each other?
I don't think so... I don't deal with that kind of bullshit, anywho.
What will you be doing in 3 hours?
Like I said, I'm a boring 20 year old... in 3 hours I'll probably be asleep.
Can you whistle?
Yeah... I'm trying to figure out how to whistle really loud.
You are probably excited about something right now?
Is that a question or a statement? Yeah, I'm excited to get these college apps out of the way so I can get going with my life.
Are you easy to get along with?
Most of the time.
When you like someone, do you picture what your children will look like?
No, I don't have that vivid of an imagination. But I do picture life with him.
If you had to dye your hair a color what color would it be?
Whole head? Blonde-ish.
If you were given the chance to go to Paris, would you go?
Do you dislike anyone right now?
Dislike? A little... I pity her more than dislike, though.
How often do you straighten your hair
Only when I'm going out... I'm impatient, it takes electricity and isn't necessary, and I don't like added heat when it's hot out.
Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
I think most about the present. I have a tendency to dwell on the past when upset. But when I'm excited about something happening, I think of the future, or if I'm concerned about something.
What color are your eyes?
Is your natural hair curly or straight?
Is tomorrow gonna be a good day?
Everyday's a good day. I'm alive, I'm well, life is good. Sure some moments suck, but not enough to ruin an entire DAY.
Were you mad when you woke up this morning?
Nah, I woke up to marching band music... it was much more pleasant than waking up to my alarm clock.
How late did you stay up last night?
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching Tosh.0
How many pillows do you sleep with?
3. Two regular ones and a body pillow.
If your best friend needed somewhere to stay, could they live with you?
Of course!
Do you know the person who's locker is next to yours?
Hah! I've been out of High School for a while... No locker for mee.
Do you like the color blue?
Do you know what it's like to have a best friend?
I do! I can't fathom not having one. I'm lucky enough to have two!!
Who is your last missed call from?
Whose birthday is coming up?
Uh... my cousin Erin's, I think.
Whats the last song you sung aloud?
I've been singing that "I get bye with a little help from my friends" song, it's been stuck in my head.
What are you listening to?
The leaves rustling in the wind. :D
Posted by Courtney at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Teeny Tiny.
Small update, because I'm wasting time before I call my dad.
School ended. Free time galore; finally. Only 76 days until Jesse and I roadtrip to North Carolina! :D I can't wait to see Moon!
I've noticed that with my free time, came a lot of money spending. :/ Oh well. I'm reading again, finally picking up "You Suck" for the first time since last summer. Just to find out it's part of a trilogy--- it's the second part of a trilogy. So now I have to read the first, and then of COURSE I'm going to have to read the third. And if I manage to get through those, I have a BUTTLOAD of other books I can read. Which is good. Reading is inexpensive. :)
I bought the 5th season of Weeds yesterday on Amazon. Can't wait to get it, for rainy days where I can't stand to read anymore. It'll be good! :D I love that show.
The other day, Jesse came with me and I did some photos of duckies. They're cute and baby-like. It's pretty awesome.
Posted by Courtney at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A little bit of time...
Finally, I have a little bit of time to post something.
Mom's officially cancer-free, or pre-cancer-free, or whatever the hell was going on with her. And dad's still fighting the good fight. I think he's winning with the help of the wonderful doctors he goes to. Last week was a minor hiccup... He fell because of the Ambien he was on, and busted up his face... he was in the hospital for the better part of the week. But, he's okay now.
Last weekend, Jesse and I went to the city to see Sublime with Rome, with Dirty Heads, and Del Mar. It was a blast. We were invited backstage (dressing rooms and all) by Del Mar and Bud of Sublime. It was a great, great weekend. It was awesome to chill with Mike and Matt of Del Mar all weekend, and their friend/manager Amber. I enjoyed getting to see them again. And, on top of seeing our friends from Reno, we made friends with Dirty Heads and Rome of Sublime. They are all the NICEST guys... I expected them to be jerks, really, but they were so nice. And with Dirty Heads, I told them that I first heard their music in Surf's Up, their response to that was much more awesome than I expected. Jared said that it took him a while to see the movie, but he thought it was funny. And, Duddy still hasn't seen it. I was halfway expecting them to be like, "THAT'S how you heard of us? A kids movie?!" But, they were cool about it and it was an awesome conversation point. :D
This week is my last week of Stony Brook, I'm transferring after this semester. I'm going to pursue a degree in speech pathology, and Stony Brook doesn't offer it. Which, kind of sucks, but I think that Stony Brook is one of the more difficult schools on Long Island, so transferring out will make me look like a genius. It'll be good.
After finals, I'll be free and clear for the summer. I'm excited. Hazmat Bay also has a show this Thursday at Ollie's Point... if the promoter decides to get in touch with him.
Posted by Courtney at 10:06 AM 0 comments