Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Melting Ice Bear
The ice bear set in the city square will melt on it's own. (Polar ice caps will melt on their own), but those who touch the ice bear speed up the melting process. (Humans sped up nature-- ice caps are melting faster)
I like the visual. It's helpful. :)
Posted by Courtney at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Way to go!
I love that she shuts down the host so many times because she wants to talk about something more important to the world than her upcoming "Avatar" movie.
She's clearly taking one for the team, as she changes the subject on Fox News, and probably won't be invited for an interview for a while. But that's okay. She doesn't need Fox News, she's awesome.
Posted by Courtney at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A good video on Water Conservation. (via)
It shows how we currently use water and how we can adjust to use less water. Because water won't be here forever. At the rate we're going, we'll go through a shortage.
(By the way, this video was much larger than my blog, so if it looks squished, it's because I had to resize.)
Posted by Courtney at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: WC
Posted by Courtney at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My Aunt sent me an e-mail pertaining to ways if Muslim and Arabs. In this e-mail was a butt-load of ignorance, and since I cannot respond to the e-mail like a human because the majority of my family is closed minded and takes any opposition as an attack and a reason to start a familywide fight (Holy crap this sounds like the Crusades) My only rebuttle can be on here.
Read at your own risk. (Click on the post title to read the full entry.)
Posted by Courtney at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Hadn't thought about that one...
So, last night, (this sounds familiar) was the SECOND night of KROQ Radio's Almost Acoustic Christmas. Featuring 311, Slightly Stoopid, Muse, etc,etc,blahblahblah.
I only found out 20 seconds ago that there was a live webcast of both nights of the show via Facebook application. BUMMER. I could've been watching both of them. :(
But anywho, last night was also 311's last show of the decade. Which is really weird because this year officially concludes my first full decade of 311 fandom.
Now, a decade, really isn't that long. I know. But I'm 20. A decade is half my life. And I proudly spent half of my life listening to 311, pouring money into their merch, and (the latter part of the decade) going to their wonderful shows.
I would like to thank Moon for introducing me to my favorite band, 311, and I would like to thank Dave for having intoduced it to Amanda... in fifth grade... when we were ten.
As I'm going on thanking for 311 happenings, I'm also going to thank my boyfriend, Jesse for proposing we go to THIS 311Day in Las Vegas with Moon, and Dave. Also, I'm gonna go ahead and thank him for taking me to the couple of 311 shows we've been to and getting us to the veryvery front. And, thanks for telling Moon and Dave about the second selling of 311Day tickets so that they were able to participate in the upcoming 311Day.
I'm thankful for all that is 311.
But, now that I've realized that this is more or less the conclusion of my first decade of 311, I want to get my tattoo (3 plumeria, 1 hibiscus, 1 bird of paradise = 311) with urgency to start off the next decade of 311 with a kick! :D
(As month 3, we will all be in Vegas partying on account of their holiday. And I will be ditching my dad's birthday... which is really lucky that he's only gonna be 49 and I'm not missing his 50th to go to a 311 show.)
So, now I have to get ready for stinky stupid work.... And not more sleepytimes. Catch ya later.
Posted by Courtney at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Still Awesome.
I still LOVE this video. Just because it's the epitome of Long Island. :)
Thank you, Barats and Bereta for providing me with entertainment since I first found you guys in 2007...
Posted by Courtney at 9:34 PM 0 comments
A Nice Tribute.
Last night was 1/2 of KROQ Radio's "Almost Acoustic Christmas". Jesse and I heard talk of this show for a while being that it was Sublime/"Sublime"/that band that Bud and Eric are in's second bigbig show in a while (first one was the Smokeout Festival). They opened with "Date Rape" and continued to play without ever announcing themselves.
Rome Ramierez, the "new singer" of Sublime had announced that the candles on the stage were there for Bradley. Who died 14 years ago of a heroin overdose.

"...filled Nowell's role ably. He's a fine guitarist and played soulful turns on chill-bro anthems like "Badfish" and "Santeria." He nailed Nowell's vocal inflections to the point that if you were in the beer line when the set began, you'd be forgiven for wondering whether Tupac and Elvis might also be in the building."The L.A. Times had also said that "The surprise guest at Saturday night's opening installment of KROQ-FM's Almost Acoustic Christmas passed away in 1996." Which made me think that they were in reference to Bradley Nowell, who passed on May 25, 1996... I think that's what they're talking about... but I'm not entirely sure. I wasn't there, I was (unfortunately) in New York.
"Indeed, much of the first night of Almost Acoustic Christmas -- the second, featuring Muse, Vampire Weekend and Phoenix, is tonight -- stoked the flames of Nowell's contributions to a Southern California rock culture in which punk is the indigenous pop music and the '90s still loom large for today's artists."I think this is a great start for Sublime/"Sublime"/that band with Bud and Eric to get back into playing the shows that they were never able to play due to Bradley's untimely death. They are going about all of this very respectfully, after waiting 14 years to tour on their Self Titled album, and are paying great tribute to their fallen friend, and band mate.
The Orange County Register wrote,
"Regardless, while acknowledging Nowell’s spirit with eight memorial candles lining Gaugh’s drum riser, Sublime-not-Sublime momentarily stole Saturday’s five-hour show by chugging through nine songs in 30 minutes, including every KROQ staple (“Wrong Way,” “Santeria,” “Doin’ Time,” “What I Got” to close) as well as the L.A. riots-inspired “April 29, 1992 (Miami)” and the group’s cover of the Toyes’ “Smoke Two Joints."Tonight's lineup for KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas includes: 311, Slightly Stoopid, and Phoenix... Damn, I wish I live in California.
Posted by Courtney at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Video Killed the Radio Star.
Yes, he did.
At Erik's party we stormed the interweb, finding some pretty awesome videos... :)
Little guy singing Hey Jude by The Beatles.
Hide and seek.
Groundhog's day..
I don't like you all the time...
Cool stop motion stuff thanks to SuperForest
Posted by Courtney at 11:37 AM 2 comments
Labels: youtube
Saturday, December 12, 2009
So, Tiger Woods is done with golf now, as his wife gave him an ultimatum after he cheated on her with some 200,000,000 mistresses or something to that effect. I personally don't care, it's pretty cool that other golfers can win, now. Survival of the fittest obviously applies to golf, too. Tiger Woods couldn't handle being with just his supermodel wife, and his weakness threw his ass out of golf.
But now, for a cute tiger. Better than the one that plays golf! :)
In other news, tonight's Erik's birthday party/gathering/whatever you want to call it because >8 people can't really be called a party.
Before that, I think Jesse and I are going to catch the new "A Christmas Carol" :) with Jim Carrey in it. Hopefully it'll be awesome! :D
Posted by Courtney at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tiger
Friday, December 11, 2009
Shiny and new...
I just enabled Blogger's 'updated' posting option. It has a jump break thingamajigger, and I've been trying to figure out how to use it! It's pretty nifty, though, because now that text/video problem I have been having-- it's no more! Problem solved! :]
This afternoon, Jesse and I decorated our first Christmas tree at his house. We are recycling the plastic that the glass ornaments came in and didn't kill the tree-- it's fake! :] We had a lot of fun decorating it!
Then came home, to talk to mom... She's been mass-producing her homemade Bailey's. I'm sure there's copyright infringement happening, but I don't think she cares.
My job is missing money. A lot of money. So the end of this year will be a gigantic scramble to pay people and/or find the missing money. (Which won't happen-- there's too much missing) Oh, well. It's not my problem.
Mom tried to get all political on me. I politely declined.
And this morning, I was PSYCHIC.
This morning I woke up, and Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song was IMMEDIATELY stuck in my head. Now mind you, at 6AM, I don't know what day it is or even where I am half the time, so I definitely didn't know that tonight is the beginning of Hanukkah until I looked at Facebook and loudly asked myself "HOW DID I KNOW THAT?!"
THEN- On my way to work, I was listening to Weezer, and started thinking about how they've been selling Weezer Snuggies with their Raditude CD, and how AWESOME it would be to get a Weezer Snuggie. I get to work and one of my co-workers starts talking about how she bought all of her grandkids Snuggies for Christmas. Again, I loudly asked myself, "HOW DID I KNOW THAT?!"
Yep. I was a psychic for like.. two hours. I should've bought a lotto ticket, but I didn't think that far in advance.
Work was work, and then I conquered the LIE for the first time by myself (I'm a very nervous driver) which was exciting because I didn't die. THEN, I BACKED INTO A PARKING SPOT, without hitting anything. (Again, nervous driver-- we seldom drive backwards)
THIS JUST IN- Jesse updated the Hazmat Bay Myspace, and it looks AWESOME!
He did a great job with it! It looks great!! I'm glad he did it, because if he relied on anybody else it would've taken another eternity...
Okay, I'm done... bye.
Posted by Courtney at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Labels: Christmas, Hazmat Bay, Jesse, job
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thank you, SuperForest!
They posted a video of this little dude performing Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" on the Uke. Adorable TO THE MAX! <3
Posted by Courtney at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: I'm Yours, Mraz, Superforest
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
And now for the Victor...
Due to it's amazing gadgets, I have decided to overlook the fact that the last time I tried posting a video and then text, it didn't work.
Posted by Courtney at 11:37 AM 0 comments
I'm checking out Tumblr to see how I like it. I just got really ticked off that I just went to post a video + text on here and the text kept running on, and my words would be broken apart, and it looked like crap and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.
Posted by Courtney at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Beaker's Aviators
Posted by Courtney at 7:38 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I just realized that it's been a little over a year since I've started this rant-space.
Posted by Courtney at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Buddha, Mraz, Nonviolence, zen
Sunday, November 8, 2009
B is for Bob.
I vaguely remember Jesse telling me about this album. It's probably been around for a while, seeing that Noggin which has had time to turn into Nick Jr. again, made the video since it was still called Noggin. It's really cool, though; it's a reggae album that Ziggy Marley put together of Bob Marley's songs. He re-did them so that it's easier for kids to listen to.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I miss my Hei Matau. Bret best be taking good care of it... Maybe it's in Hawaii right now. I'm certainly not... Lucky necklace. I am here, in New York, dogsitting Bosley for my neighbor. He's cute. He follows me around everywhere. I love it.
Posted by Courtney at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: 311, Diamond Amps, Hawaii, Hazmat Bay, Hei Matau, Jesse, Pepper, Stony Brook, Sublime, Vegas
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Small Updates....
Aunt Lynn left.
Posted by Courtney at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
So, my Aunt's in town... which means that Godspeak will be magnified significantly in my house... because first my aunt will be here for a week, then my grandmother for an additional week and a half. At one point, they'll overlap. Don't get me wrong, I love them... but I HATEHATEHATE Godspeak. It's irritating. I'm a student in scientific studies, so I'm not quick to assume or blindly put my faith to an old dude in white clothes (and I know this for a fact because that's what God looks like in Scribblenauts, and Scribblenauts=law). Also, because 9 times out of 10, they don't want to hear that I'm not interested or I disagree on these beliefs. They'll continue to shove it down my throat.
Posted by Courtney at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
Jennifer's Body
Today, Jesse and I saw "Jennifer's Body" with Megan Fox.
Posted by Courtney at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
UPDATE.#39. Don't bite my nails for two months.
I swear, it was difficult... but I did it. Not only for two months, but for two months straight. Then, after the 2 month mark, I quickly bit all of them off... and after 2 months of not doing it: it felt good... it felt real good. But now my fingers look like nubs again... oh well... it was worth it.
Started Stony Brook last week. Already had to drop 2 classes, one seemed like too much work, and the other was just an inconvieniance. :) Other than that, it's all good.
Went upstate last weekend for Labor Day. We went to Roscoe and hung out, and went over to Bethel to see the Woodstock Museum thing. It was alright, at most. Interesting to hear the history. The best part was having someone behind us in the movie viewing that was there and kind enough to share his first hand experiences with us. THAT was cool.
Brian and I are having issues. He stole shit, I'm angry, he needs to fix it, mom thinks he's awesome. He wants to eat dinner with us on my birthday, and quite frankly: I don't want to see him... So I'm going to write him a letter explicitly telling him how I feel and that it's bullshit that he always gets away with the shit that he pulls... PLUS, on top of stealing my skateboard and Jesse's: he took my Volcom hat from the Pepper show. HES DOING IT TO FUCK WITH ME. The little bastard.
Currently, Obama's inside my living room television talking to my mom about healthcare. I dropped in for a listen briefly, and thoroughly enjoyed what I heard. But, my mom was scoffing and calling him a liar, and being an asshole, so I had to come upstairs and not hear what the President in my livingroom had to say. :( I can only assume good things, because what I heard was all sorts of wonderful. I feel like I'm in the closet because I'm a fan of Obama and my mom and her boyfriend hatehatehate him. (They thought Palin was a genius... she didn't even have the commitment to keep her job as Governor.... puss.)
So, that's it for me for now. My birthday's on Friday. HOPEFULLY I'll get the DSLR I wanted, but I know I've got a snowman's chance in Hell.
...let's see what happens..
Posted by Courtney at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: 101
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I'm at school right now. I'm writing this from my iPod. I'm on break before my last class. So far classes here have been fun. This weekend I'm going with Jesse to Roscoe. Next week and the week after, I don't have to go to work! Yaay! Hopefully sometime next week I will be able to get my Macbook if my loan dispurses and gets to me quickly... That would make me really happy. I think
I'm done.. I don't have anyhting interesting to say. Peace
Posted by Courtney at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Close encounters of the third kind...
Last night was Erik's party, on the occasion that summer's almost over. I had much too much to drink, and let me tell you-- I didn't like it one bit. We had a shit load of Bad News (Bacardi 151)... Erik mixed it in with his batch of 'drank' it was an entire bottle of 151 mixed into a gallon of drink.
Posted by Courtney at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Coney Island.
So, Jesse and I went to the New York Aquarium at Coney Island yesterday. It was a ridiculously small aquarium, with a bunch of loserkids, but it was really fun and supercool. We got to see a show with a sea lion named Osbourne... and Osbourne was one funny sea lion. :)
Then, we wandered around Coney Island for a few minutes; I took photos of the murals and the Sideshow by the Seashore building before it gets knocked down. We proceeded to Nathans, and then went to Jesse's aunt and uncle's house.
FROM THERE. We made great haste in getting onto the subway, and paid a mere $2.50 to get into Manhattan- (From Long Island, it's $18ish.) then we walked over to McSorley's Ale House. Which is one of the oldest- and is the longest run ale house in Manhattan. We had 3 rounds of 8 beers... I only drank 3 though, and we had some chili and awesome-yet-simple cheese and crackers. This was near Cooper Union and Cooper Square-- by NYU.
From THEREE, we walked to Pommes Frittes- a french fry place around the corner. They serve french fries in a cone with a dipping sauce of your choice. I chose dill-lemon. Jesse had Parmesan, Aunt Lauren had Mango Chutney, and I have no clue what Uncle Bryan had. So far so good... beer and potatoes +10 for being Irish.
THEN. We walked to Union Square, and went to The Donut Pub. Which is obviously a donut place. We walked back to the subway with the box of 13 'death row donuts' (because they will meet their demise at our tastebuds), and went back into Brooklyn.
Ate donuts, and left. And now it's today.
On Friday, Jesse got his Macbook White. He loves it! :) I'm glad he got to get it before his Dell completely shat the bed. But now my computer's acting gay and will probably need to be replaced in the near/immdiate future. So when I get my student loan next month, I will be buying myself a Macbook, as well. I don't want to get another PC ever ever ever, because all of a sudden I was hit with insane amounts of popups that won't go away under any circumstance.
So, now I'm backing up my music and stuff, readying myself for the end of my PC's life, because I have a feeling it'll be soon.. that way I can do a nice and easy transfer onto my future Macbook. :)
Posted by Courtney at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Coney Island, McSorelys
Saturday, August 15, 2009
101 Update
I know, I haven't been doing detailed updates... But there's a few that I can remember that have been done recently.
#48. I have witnessed 3 sunrises recently, completing my 5/5.
#94. I got my second tattoo in Reno.
#68. I went to California, completing my "VISIT THE WEST COAST"
The rest of them that I forgot to update, I did a really long time ago, and cannot give a good description of how the hell I did it. :(
Posted by Courtney at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: 101
Thursday, August 13, 2009
(Heh.. I stole that from Moon.)
But ANYWHO. Just a little peeved. I hate when people tell me that they're taking my photos rather than asking if they can use it on their profile, and then waiting to do so.
Not that it's a huge ordeal, but someone said that they're taking a bunch of my Reno photos to put on their Facebook albums, and by "a bunch" he meant all. So I'm only credited for taking two of the pictures, and I guess the rest of them don't matter.
Like I said, it's not a terribly big deal, it's just fucking annoying that this same person NEVER gives me ANY credit for anything I do. He'll play it off like it was his idea/execution; instead.
Posted by Courtney at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
So, I'm home from the West, now. I got home this morning at 9:40am. The trip was so fun! We went to San Jose for a night, then over to Reno for two days. Reno was so much fun, we got to hang out with Del Mar, of whom are all very very nice. We were invited back for January to go snowboarding and play a couple of shows with them. Bud Gaugh invited us personally to go snowboarding this winter with them at Lake Tahoe. Everything was so cool. After we were done at Reno, we went over to Santa Monica, California. It was beautiful! It was like the Coney Island of the west, only much much cleaner. It was wonderful! The only thing I wish we could've done was gone to Lake Tahoe. But we couldn't go because we didn't have enough time :(. I'm excited to go back. We're going to do a week of shows, and then a week of play. And, beforehand I'll learn to snowboard so I don't end up rolling down the slopes. This trip was definitely the MOST fun weekend I have EVER had. It was even better than the weekend cruise to the Bahamas. Being able to hang out with Del Mar and be referred to by them as "friends" was just an awesome feeling. We were introduced as the "friends from New York". It was great.
Posted by Courtney at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: California, Reno
Sunday, August 2, 2009
We Blew Out of this Town
So, Jesse, Erik, and I are headed west this week. Jesse and I are leaving on Wednesday afternoon, the moment I get out of work, and Erik's meeting us there on Thursday.
Jesse and Erik will be playing a show with Del Mar, featuring Bud Gaugh of SUBLIME, on Thursday night, and then we're headed straight to LA. :)
So I figured I won't have much time to blog (heh... this sentence is so lame) until I get back from the wild,wild west... so I'll do it now, while I have the time.
Last night, Hazmat Bay played at Mc. Z's Pub, which is a nice little bar. I thought they played well.. they did two sets with a half hour intermission in between. It was fun, Megan came with us and it was cool to hang out with Megan and Kim. :)
On Wednesday, Hazmat Bay played at Ollie's Point, and opened up for "Soul To Squeeze" a RHCP tribute, that was sub-par. But the bar was beautiful, and was all about reggae music, which I enjoyed infinitely. That was the first time I was in the bar since it was Molly Bloom's II : a good old shit hole. I was very excited about how it came out, and the owner is terribly awesome. They played after Maui Waui and the Good Vibrations, which was a very fun band. I enjoyed their performance. They go well with Hazmat Bay. Both bands were incredibly energetic, and it was a lot of fun. Moon came down with Sean and her cousin Dean, which was awesome, I really appreciated her coming down and showing support :D. HMB played an intense cover of Santeria (by SUBLIME) where Geoff took the lead on trumpet. It was awesome to hear the crowd scream the words to the Geoff. A very, very good show :)
So now, I am going to start packing and charging batteries and get ready for my superlong flight to San Jose, CA. WEST COAST: I'm coming for you! (And totally not excited about the fact that the day I'll be over jetlag will be the day I come home, and have to get used to it again in NY)
Posted by Courtney at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: California, Del Mar, McZ, Reno, Sublime
Friday, July 24, 2009
Bill Gates should PROBABLY stop thinking.
He thinks he's helping, but he's terribly misinformed.
Bill Gates, Microsoft's "genius" (BAHAH.) believes that he can change the weather and slow down hurricanes by pumping cold water deep into the paths of the hurricanes.
Ideally, it's a great idea for us humans who are affected by the hurricanes... But what about the rest of the Earth? Really?
SO. We're going to pump supercold water into the ocean, which is very likely to kill all sorts of marine life. Even the kind of marine life that is essential to keep us humans alive, JUST so that we can spare some destruction on our coasts? Please. Other animals know to GTFO when there's a disaster on it's way... why can't humans do it? Instead of us just... moving a little off the shores that get hit by hurricanes, we'll risk destroying the entire planet.
I think that we should sit adults (especially those with power) down and make them watch Captain Planet. (And Fern Gully, too while we're at it!) Captain Planet might be enough to let these people know that we can't just do what we want without any repurcussion.
(Did ANYONE read Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle"?! It's not so far from fiction!)
Why can't humans just go with the flow? We always have to change shit at others expense just to make OUR lives easier.
Well, Earth- if this goes through, I apologize on the behalf of makind for your destruction. You've been a good home.
Posted by Courtney at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bill Gates, Hurricane, moron
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sweet Cheeks!
So I knew there was something about 7/14 that struck me as special, as I wrote it down a billion times at work.
I knew today would be a great day. Work was good, lots of food and I finished my shit from last month. Then I got home, checked my Facebook and found out Kristina's in labor. SWEET.
Went to the beach, and a 26 foot long shark washed up on East Gilgo/West Overlook. Jesse, Robbie (Jesse's cousin), and I walked a mile to investigate the huge friggen shark. Awesome! During the mile walk, I found a dollar floating in the water. NICE. Put it in my wallet and found $10 more that I didn't think was in my wallet.
Get home, shower, go to dinner and get a call from dad saying that Kristina gave birth to a healthy baby boy!!!! :D :D :D
Tomorrow evening I'm going to go visit the hospital to meet my new baby cousin!
Keri-Ann took pictures, and I can't wait to see him for myself! He doesn't have a name yet, but I still love him!
Posted by Courtney at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Hi! I'm Bruno!
Yesterday, Jesse and I went to see Bruno with our friends Rob, Kim, and Alyssa. It was okay. It was really funny when you're watching the movie... in the theater, but thinking back, there was nothing particularly funny about it to be quoting or to think back and say, "hey... that part was funny!" I think they should have held more concentration on the part where he goes to the Army, because that part was funny. Everything else was... okay. There was a lot more penis than I had expected. I'd give it a 4/10.
Jesse, Moon, Alyssa and I also went to the beach yesterday! YAY! It was a very comfortable day to go to the beach. The temperature was just perfect. Not to hot but not too cold. Jesse went surfing with his new board. The waves were very choppy yesterday, so it was difficult to catch any.
Next Saturday, I'm having a little bonfire get together at my house. It should be fun. Then, on the 21st, Watchmen comes out on DVD.
Now that I'm looking at the calendar, I need to get studying for my math placement exam for Stony Brook.
Also, the August 5th show in Reno, is coming up quickly. WHICH IS AWESOME! I'm going with Jesse and Erik to Reno, NV to watch them open up for Del Mar. And while I'm in Reno, I'm going to get my second tattoo! :D We'll also be stopping in California; hopefully we'll be close enough to stop by the Santa Monica Pier briefly. I've never been to California, so this will be my first time; unfortunately it's brief because I have work. But I'll be there again! :D
Tonight is Jesse's show at Traxx, and then tomorrow I think we're going to Delaware or Philadelphia because Jesse's cousin had a setback in her recovery from her coma last year. I hope the doctors find out what's wrong with her... :[
Posted by Courtney at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Robots in your eyes.
So I went to see Transformers (part DEUX) today with Jesse. And it was AWESOME! It was violent and wonderful and just a little bit gory. (Enough to make me cringe a little.) Oh! And it had some SUSPENCE OOOOOH! AHHHHHH! So yeah, it was great! I walked out of the movie theater feeling like a 7 year old usually feels after watching some serious episodes of Power Rangers. I totally was hoping that my car was a robot.That's when you know that you made a good movie: when the watchers feel like 7 year olds afterwards. (Unless the viewer is from 5-9 years old... then it doesn't count) Like.. 300. Totally made me feel like I should be kicking Persian ass. Just like how Power Rangers made me feel like I should be kicking the asses of those grey dudes.
So, anyway; great movie, I'd see it again in a heartbeat!
Speaking of great movies, Watchmen comes out on DVD on the 21st! YAY!
AAAND, Jesse and I and a couple of friends are planning on seeing Bruno tomorrow! +10 for funny buisness.
So yeah. Transformers=great.
Tomorrow's beachy goodness with friends. Then some serious Austrian fashionista-ness.
Posted by Courtney at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Robots, Transformers
Saturday, June 27, 2009
On a brighter note...
This song entertains me. So does the video...
Posted by Courtney at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: The Coral
I'm really upset that Michael Jackson died. Like... really. I was one of maybe 4 in-the-closet Michael Jackson fans on Long Island.
I mean, I guess I need to look on the bright side, now he's in a place where the media can't touch him.
His music has kept me busy for many Halloweens. (You know, the music video marathons.) May he find peace. Maybe he and Elvis will exchange dance moves that way when others join them in the 'afterlife', we can all have a large, choreographed dance-off.
M.J., you'll be deeply missed.
Rest in Peace, your Majesty.
August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009
"In our darkest hour, in our deepest despair, will you still care? Will you be there? In my trials and my tribulations, through our doubts and frustrations, in my violence, in my turbulence; through my fear and my confessions, in my anguish and my pain; through my joy and my sorrow, in the promise of another tomorrow: I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart."
Posted by Courtney at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Michael Jackson
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Today Jesse and I are going to the beach. What was supposed to be an awesome sunny day, turned out to be a unfortunately cloudy day. :[ But I'm convinced that it's going to get sunny again, because as of 7:30 this morning, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. Plus, the weather report said it was supposed to get nice out again today, after the morning clouds pass. But I don't care, more clouds= less people on the beach. Much like when I went on Father's day. (See picture) It was so cool being the only one on the beach except for the surfers. Especially since it wasn't below freezing that day, like on other empty beach days.
Then, later, we're not going to go to the 311 concert due to lack of funds; but we're going to chill with some friends instead. We'll catch another 311 show sometime this summer. From what it seems, they'll be touring again soon. Jesse got big news for Hazmat Bay that they're going to announce later, and I'm real tempted to leak. But I won't.
Tomorrow is supposed to downpour, and I'm starting to feel the very unwelcomed cool breeze in the air, which is making me kind of upset because I want to go to the beach!!! >:[So, we'll see what happens with the whole beach thing... It could be worse. I've been there in worse, much worse. Like when Moon and I skipped school on just about the CRAPPIEST day of the school year and decided to go to the beach and the mall instead. We ended up walking up and down Robert Moses as it was pouring. It was a good time. Wet, but good.
Now to meet up with my schmoopy <3 and go to the beach! :]
And, I do see a trip to Montauk Point in the near future... it's been a while. :/
Posted by Courtney at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: beach
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Your mom does the butt-clap.
Last night was Hazmat Bay's big debut of "The Red Tide", their show at Looney Tunes went off without a hitch, so to speak. I enjoyed myself big time! The only thing I don't like about gatherings of big sorts is that there are so many people that I can't talk to at the same time, and someone always gets left out :[. But the band played very well, and sold a bunch of CDs, which is great! It was very exciting!
At work the Department of Social Services (my job) decided that it'd be fun to have 3 part-time temps do the work of a full time Senior Accounts Clerk without a pay raise, on TOP of the work they're already doing. I'm one of the 3 lucky temps. My direct supervisor got promoted and is leaving our department, so her work is being distributed to me, and two other lucky winners. It'll be fun. And by fun, I mean I don't drink coffee now, but I'm sure to start by the end of next week because it'll be STRESSSFUL!
Tomorrow Jesse and I are going to the beach! It's supposed to be the first nice day of the summer, and I'm pumped!!
So I was reading Moon's blog and came across the article that she had come across about my favoritebandevar 311. I've been a fan of 311 since I've known Moon: having met her 10 years ago, I'm a 10-year fan of 311. I'm only 19 now, so that's the majority of my life right there. And yes, 311's lyrics suck sometimes. Okay, a lot of the times the band just reaches for anything that will coherently rhyme. Alas! It is coherent. And I do have to agree with Moon that the writer of this article was being very unfair in his unfiltered opinion of 311 and their fans. Much like how I was talking to someone who worked in a CD store saying they'd never have a Pepper instore because Pepper fans are 311 fans, and 311 fans get stoned and steal shit. Sorry buck-o you're wrong. That's an unfair generalization. Granted, I don't think that "Uplifter" is 311's best album, (a little too theatrical for me) but it's damn good. It makes me move to the groovin'. But the writer Andrew "Garbage-Day" Miller (who should probably choose a different name; it's too easy) just generalizes and puts down all of 311's fans. "...Given how many of the group's pathetically devoted fans already have ghastly fucking tattoos, they shouldn't be giving these idiots any new ideas for self-defacement..." I'm sorry Garbage Day but I do plan on having an ode to 311 permanently inked on my body, and I do not appreciate being referred to as an idiot. I can guarantee I'm much smarter than you, Mr. Garbage Day.... so shut the fuck up. :]
Posted by Courtney at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 311, Hazmat Bay
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Summer!
So, today is the first official day of summer, and let me tell you the weather is showing it... Okay, not really... It's the same crappy weather Long Island has had for the past month and a half now.
I'm starting to get really angry that I haven't been to the beach since April. I miss it. I want to go surf and swim and everything, but I can't! Whenever it's nice out, the water temperature remains under 70°F which is really uncomfortable if you're like me, and don't have a wetsuit.
Yesterday was International Surfing Day, hosted by Surfrider Foundation and SURFING Magazine. But here on Long Island, our beach cleanup was cancelled... because it rained... again. No good. I was really looking forward to it. Surfrider CLI sent out an email that it'll be rescheduled... so I'll be there on the rescheduled date! :]
I think today is the DeviantART meet in NYC. I won't be there. I'm chillin' with my pops all day, because it is his day. :D But had it been on a different day, I may have gone. And by that, I mean I probably wouldn't have gone anyway. I hate NYC, and I'm content with not knowing who draws/photographs/writes stuff.
So, this week Jesse has his CD release party, which will be very fun. All of the CDs are ready for sale, which is awesome because they were a pain to assemble. Plus I've had enough of the procrastination from another band mate... All of that crap is done! No more drama! This CD has made me feel like I went back to highschool. Everyone was on edge and angry at how long it took to do the simplest of things. But they're done and assembled as of Friday, thanks to Alyssa. She really helped out a lot in putting the CDs together; otherwise it would've been me and Jesse doing ten at a time, and walking away. I'm excited for the release party though, it'll be a good night to hear good music, and chill with good people.
Wow. Mother Nature must be pissed as she's being terribly unforgiving in the weather lately, and the weather to come. So far, it looks like we're going to see rain until next Tuesday. Not like two days from today, but like... ten. We live in Seattle now. Or, Long Island detached from the U.S. and swam up to the U.K. where it is also rainy most of the time. (Or so I've heard.. never been there.)
Posted by Courtney at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Recently I haven't had time to come on here, so here's the latest.
Last week I went to see Up with Jesse and Moon. The beginning was mundo depressing (but then again, it's Disney) but after that it was incredible. We saw it in 3D which was fun, and I think that Moon and I enjoyed it more than the kids in the movie theater did. The two of us laughed hysterically at a recurring circumstance in the movie, where the kids in the theater didn't seem to think it was as funny as we had thought. Overall it was a very enjoyable movie. So if I were to rate it, I'd give it a solid 7/10 just because the beginning was so depressing it was hard to continue to watch the movie.
Yesterday I had my Stony Brook University orientation. It went fairly well; I had taken my math placement exam and placed very poorly, so I will have to re-take that before the semester starts. I made my class schedule and it looks overwhelming, but hey, what's a university if you're not overwhelmed? The campus is beautiful, and the advisors are nice and they have a clue of what they're talking about, unlike Suffolk Community. Yesterday I also made my last trip to Suffolk Community to send over my latest transcripts to Stony Brook. Needless to say, I wanted to walk out of there with my middle fingers held up high.
So other than that, Jesse and Hazmat Bay found a new drummer, Rob. They have a show at the Mooselodge on Friday, then their release party is on Tuesday for their new CD "The Red Tide". I haven't heard the whole thing yet, but so far it sounds spectacular. And I'm not just saying that because Jesse's my boyfriend and it's his band... I'm saying it because I mean it. For realz. Then after that, they have another show at Traxx in Ronkonkoma in July, and at Spoon in August. And after that, Jesse and I are going to see Blink-182, Weezer, and Taking Back Sunday! <-I listed those in order of importance, not appearance.
Um other than that nothing is really going on. Except for the fact that next Saturday is my best friend's moving away forever and ever party. :[ I'm gonna miss her. She's been my BFFF for 10, almost 11 years. And now she's going ALLL the way down to North Carolina. Instead of me traveling 3 blocks, I'll have to travel like... a million. Not good, not good.
Well, I've got to get to work.
Posted by Courtney at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Crazy fool.
This week has been... emotionally devastating.
Lets work our way down the list.
Saturday- Was AWESOME! Jesse and I went to Pepper with Moon, and we got super special backstage passes that not even the family of the bands get; thanks to Bret and Da Coach. So that was an altogether AWESOME day.
Sunday- I woke up and saw that Bella had diarrhea. Cleaned her up and went to Jesse's house.
Monday- Last day of school, Jesse's car failed inspection. Jesse and his dad got into an arguement. Came home, and Bella was dead. So we had to bury her. And I'm still really upset about it. I loved her so much. She was my little one. <3
Tuesday- Went to work, at 9am I got a call from Brian's school saying that he was going to the hospital because he was having chest pains and he looked pale. Then later on, at about 3:30 we mom and dad decided to admit him to stay overnight. Still recovering from Bella passing away: I was VERY stressed.
Wednesday- Brian had his tests done, nothing came up. Probably have to admit him again. Jesse and I argued. I'm having a really tough time recovering from Bella's death. Brian gets out of the hospital, so I order prints of Bella and the Pepper show, have some enlarged and frame them and put them on my wall. <3
Thursday/Today- Realize that I fucked up my payroll timesheets the past 3 weeks. Fixed the problem. Put all sorts of money away. Drive past Moon's to see the For Sale sign. :/
I'm still really upset about Bella being gone. She was too, too young. I feel terrible for not knowing that diarrhea with rodents is a really bad thing. I wish I could've helped her, I wish she didn't die. I miss her a lot, and my room's really quiet. I miss how she used to talk (grunt, really) at me, and play hide and seek, and breakdance, and play with her ears when I said "ANTENNAS... UP!" I miss my little friend, a lot. More than I should miss my rabbit. You'd think I lost a dog or something that has the stereotypical bond as "mans best friend" but Bella was my friend and I loved her so much. I still do. I miss her. My room's so empty without her. I hung up the moose that I got with Bella. It's in my car. <3
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Summer?@! REALLY?%#@$%
It got nice out. Very, very nice out.
Yesterday, Jesse, Ashley, and I went to Gilgo! It was so much fun, but I got terribly sunburnt! :[ I have raccoon eyes from my sunglasses! :/
On Friday, Jesse took me to see Earth by Disneynature, and it was WONDERFUL! Then afterwards, he took me out to eat at Outback! :B My favorite!! <3
Today Jesse and I were supposed to go with Ashley to Fire Island, but last night some brawl happened at her boyfriends lacrosse game and she has to go to a meeting b/c she has pictures for it, and then he surprised her with Mets tickets, so she's not hanging out at all today, which sucks. But whatevs, it happens. I'd go to see the Mets if Jesse surprised me with tickets, too!
So today, Jesse and I are going to Gilgo and his mom's coming with us, and maybe Megan, too! :] I invited Moon, but she's going to the city with her grandpa.
That's really all, there's only 23 days [including this one] left until summer vacation! :]
Posted by Courtney at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
It's nice out this morning... Well, it's sunny, and a little chilly, but it's only 9am so hopefully by the time noon comes around, it'll be warmer.
This morning I have to bring Brian to his senior photo shoot. Since mom is in Vegas, I also have to lay out the cash. Hopefully his photo shoot doesn't take too long so I can go to Nancy's and put in my 30 minutes on the elliptical, and then be on my way to enjoying this gorgeous day! I'm hoping I can get some photos in this afternoon... I found out how to make Orton&Lomo effects on Photoshop, so it's really exciting. I did an Orton effect on one of my flower pictures, and I really like it, I want to try to get it printed up for my wall. I've been uploading a lot of my photos to my Flickr account. I'd love to get photos of Bella chillin' in the backyard, but I'm scared she'll run away...
Last night Jesse had a productive band practice. They tried out my step-brother's friend, Geoff on the trumpet. Geoff is crazy good at picking up the lines that Jesse and Erik threw at him, so hopefully things work out well in that aspect.
Today's Jesse and my.... 25 months. We said we'd stop counting... but it became a habit. This one was easy though because last month was two years... so I just had to add a month. <3 2 years and a month and we're still doing great! I love my Jesse <3
So I woke up entirely too early... I thought Brian would've taken longer to get ready... his appointment is at 10:56 and we're done and ready now... at 9:11. Oh well.. I still need to have time to get there being it's a new studio and I don't know where the hell it is.
I think I'm going to try to take more photos? Maybe of Bella? maybe?? okbye
Posted by Courtney at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hazmat Bay, Photos, Vegas
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Maybe? It's 60 degrees outside... which is AWESOME. But it's windy as hell and the temperature is supposed to go down again, soon.
Yesterday, Brian turned 18... which means it's time to flee the country. My mom went to Vegas yesterday, too. It's hot there... but it's not hot here. :[
I think tomorrow, Jesse and I are going to go to the Cony Island Aquarium :] I hope we do, it'll be really fun!! :D It's not too expensive, either. <33>:]
Posted by Courtney at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Coney Island, Jesse
Sunday, March 29, 2009
lots o' stuff.
I never knew that there were that many networking websites for musicians. I just set up like 4 of them this morning for Hazmat Bay. But it's good, because now Jesse and Erik don't have to worry about it, because there's this one website : ArtistData that updates EVERYTHING at the same time. :D I feel almost like a manager... even though I'm not.
Last night HMB played at Da Funky Phish. They played an hour long set, and it was their best performance yet! I'm so proud of them! They got some networking on for a radio station with 14,000 listeners, so they'll do an interview on that via phone, and when the album comes out they'll do an in-person interview. I'm so proud, they grow up so fast! Hehe.
On Friday morning, Jesse and Erik did an interview on Uncharted Waves/ OWWR radio station. They did really well!
That's about it. My brother is friends with a bunch of asshats... And, I love Jesse!
Posted by Courtney at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hazmat Bay
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Okey dokey then...
I applied to Stony Brook just now... I hope I get in! I don't see why I wouldn't... I'm currently at a 3.4 cumulative GPA not including this semester, which I need to get my ass in gear on. I need to make up all of my Western Civilization homeworks and work on my Geography homeworks. I want to try to get everything done perfectly. To up my GPA. I want to leave Suffolk under the Dean's list if that's possible from a current cumulative GPA of 3.4? Well, if it is possible, I want to do it! I want to try to get on the Dean's list this semester. I did it during my first semester here, so I don't see why I can't do it again.
Last night, Jesse played at Da Funky Phish. They did a St. Patrick's day thingie, Jesse said they did really well, which I'm very proud of them for. They didn't get in until 1:15am. I didn't go. I'm not the biggest fan of Da Funky Phish... it scares me. Also, it started at 10:30pm, and I had an early class this morning.
Today Jesse and I are hanging out <3. He needs to apply to Stony Brook when we get to his house. I was going to stop and get my laptop and bring it to his house so we could apply at the same time to get it done faster, but I'm already done with my application. So that made time minimal. :] He needs to spackle a little bit more when we get to his house, and then I think we're going out to eat for his mom's birthday. She already got her birthday present from us; we got her a blue iPod nano. It's the month of the iPods. Teri got one, Dad got one, and now this Saturday, mom will have one! :D I hope she likes it.
I'm bored.... I'm going to see if there's any websurfing I can do.
Hasta la bye-bye.
Posted by Courtney at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hazmat Bay
Audrey Hepburn's big toe says hi.
I'm in school right now. I got out of my politics class mundo early... Like 2 minutes into class, early. Sucks that I have to stay, but that's life. Tomorrow is going to be somewhat action packed. I'm going to buy Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit for my xbox360. Which is AWESOME. Then, I'll start doing homework, and I'll drop Jesse off at school. Upon my finishing homework, I'm going to do work for Hazmat Bay. I'll continue that until it's done or the day ends... whichever comes first. If I don't finish it all tomorrow, I'm going to continue to do it either next Thursday or next Friday... whichever day I end up at my house. Hopefully, it'll all get done tomorrow. But if not, it's no big deal. I have to stop at Staples to buy printer ink because I need to photocopy maps for the next Geography quiz.
Today I have to apply for Stony Brook.... maybe I can do that now?
...- I'll be back!.
Posted by Courtney at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hazmat Bay, Stony Brook
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ticket to Ride, and I'm going home...
It's been an interesting few days...
Yesterday, Jesse and I went to the beach to take some photos. We attempted kite flying, but apparently... it's more difficult in person. It also obvs turns me into a monster. So we gave up on that, and took pictures with the records I bought from Looney Tunes forever ago. The photos came out very nicely, as I borrowed my mom's uber-cam 3,000. :B I'm pleased with them. One of them is going to be the album cover for Hazmat Bay's new CD. Jesse and I tried editing it once, but I guess we didn't do very well as it "def needs tweaking". Oh well.. I just take and supply the pictures. Can't take it personally- it's just business. Mom made us pizza last night... but the dough didn't rise the right way... so it was like flatbread pizza. I'm surprised our teeth didn't break right out of our mouths. It was verrry crunchy.
This morning, I went over to Jesse's to help him with his apartment. I spackled-- a lot. I did really well, though. I'm proud of how everything came out. This morning, I also made a Flickr account... and damn near exceeded my monthly limit of photo uploading. I have more ideas for photos and stuff, and I want to see if mom will let me borrow her other camera, it's a super-old manual, and I love it! I got home from Jesse's to find out that Brian took my longboard... without asking. Apparently, calling and telling my voicemail that he's taking it = asking to borrow it and recieving a "yes" for an answer---DUH. So I have to go get that before we go to Aunt Dana's house... otherwise my poor longboard will peril in the oncoming rain. [+10 for fancy words?]
Hopefully Uncle Johnny will have my mom's computer all finished and ready to go by next Saturday... It'd be a real bummer to give my mom an iPod for her birthday if she doesn't have a computer to upload the music to.
That's pretty much it for now... Throughout this week I have some Hazmat Bay homework. I gotta write up their biography. But I need Rob's last name, first. Then, they need to set a date for a photoshoot with my uncle, and then I can put them on Twitter and Facebook. And, as soon as they send me friggen music, they'll have a fully loaded account. It'll be great. But unfortunately: one thing needs to happen in order to get another done, and the weather hasn't been very permitting within the last few days to do a photo-shoot or anything like that. All in good time, all in good time.
Posted by Courtney at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Yesterday was Jesse and my 2 year anniversary<3 [yay! yay! yay!]. We went to Sushi Park where I ate all too much food, and then we went to see Watchmen in IMAX. [OMFG!@(@#* IT WAS GREAT!]
I have to say, having read the graphic novel, I'm pleased with how the movie came out. I know that there was big controversy or whatever as to whether the movie could even come CLOSE to the graphic novel, but they did well with it. They left out what they had to and added what they wanted to, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I still love the graphic novel 100x more, but the movie was REMARKABLY entertaining. I suggest it! ...unless you're squeamish, then you shouldn't see it ever. I love, love, love how the characters were portrayed; especially Jon. NOT because he was naked, but I liked how soft-spoken he was all the time, it was calming [he's my favorite in the novel, too].
So, today I finished Lamb. Which is AWESOME, so now I'm reading another Christopher Moore book: Coyote Blue. Then after that I intend on reading the Philosophy of WATCHMEN: A Rorschach Test. (Finishing Lamb makes 1/10 on my 101, by the way)
Also, today we gave my dad his super awesome birthday present: his iPod! :D He loves it which is pure greatness! He was playing with it all day. :] Exciting.
Tomorrow: school. Then on Tuesday I'm going to start exercising on Nancy's elliptical machine! :D
Unfortunately, this weekend, one of Sawyer Ave.'s lifeguards passed away in a car crash. I believe it was a head-on collision with a drunk driver who was on the wrong side of the road. Fucking sucks, drunk drivers are morons. All of them. They put so many people in danger because they're fucking irresponsible. I hate it. RIP Liz. :'[
Posted by Courtney at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: watchmen